View Full Version : The 'no panic' panic

21-10-08, 17:48
This may sound weird but hear me out. Sometimes I have this feeling that when I'm feeling good (no symptoms eg. pains, aches, palpitations, don't hear my heart, calm & relaxed) something must be wrong. Sometimes I don't realize I'm feeling good, especially when I'm doing something interesting or chatting to people, but when it stops, anxiety kicks back in. It's like I make myself to be in this constant state of anxiety. How annoying is that??! :/

21-10-08, 18:09
Believe it or not . . . after feeling badly for a given amount of time, feeling good again takes time to get used to.

21-10-08, 18:11
this happens to me, i then think well why havent i been feeling like it !!!!! luckly in the past i have been panic free for a few years , and i know when i start thinking why havent i had an attack ,that im getting better , its weird you get so used to feeling on edge you then put urself on edge , by thinking i havent been feeling on edge, just goes to show what the mind is capable of !!!!!!!

21-10-08, 18:19
stm, I know exactl what you mean but i get that to the extect tht I think I feel ok something must be wrong - why am i laughing has my drink been spiked?

we are so used to feeling bad that it is natural to us and feeling ok feels unnatural x

21-10-08, 21:21
glad i'm not the only one. i guess i'm so used now feeling bad, that feeling good seems like... undeserved, and wrong. Bad bad thoughts, I know...

21-10-08, 21:41
its so true - we need to learn that is ok and normal to feel "normal"

21-10-08, 23:11
wow! I do that sometimes, It's like "whats wrong? why am i calm?"
i know when a go through a long period of being anxious I find that calm feeling so alien!

22-10-08, 09:17
I suppose after feeling bad and anxious for so long feeling good must feel pretty strange


22-10-08, 11:20
Looks like my 'no panic' panic worked again this morning. I had amazing good night sleep, but immediately after I woke up I told myself 'god I had such a good night, I must compensate it by feeling bad for the rest of the day', and guess what, on the bus to work I had MASSIVE panic attack, like an atomic bomb shockwave, funny irregular and rapid heartbeat and hyperventilating. It subsided in 2 minutes though. Funny enough, I was passing the North Middlesex hospital so immediately my thought was 'should I go to hospital maybe I am dying' then I laughed at myself and continued journey to work. Now I'm sitting and typing this, feeling exhausted. Really, I'm trying to find positives in feeling bad, but it's so hard...