View Full Version : claire 25

21-10-08, 21:12
Hello i am very new to this i think i went a little wrong earlier so here goes!!

I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for years. I was prescrbed prozac After the birth of my son for post natal depression.

Over the past 3 months they have come back with a vengence. I had my first appointment with a psychiatrist at the begining of this month he has double my dose to 40mg a day and i am also on promazine 25mg 3 times a day. All i do is sleep then wake with a pounding heart and very shakey.

I have started to take a diazepam when it gets really bad. The doc said write a journal i will see me in six weeks time!!

I feel all alone i feel sad because i struggle most days just to function. I have a wonderful hubby and a beautiful little boy. I feel bad for them but i have no control it just comes out of the blue.

I also don't know what the promazine does but i keep having to sleep during the day.

Im so glad i found this site most days i feel like i am going mad.

21-10-08, 21:20
Hi Claire,

I hope you find the people on this site as helpful as I have!!!! They have helped me understand why I feel the way I do.

I was on Prozac (still am on a reduced doze) 40mg a day, it took about a month but I started to feel good about things again. Just remember you are never alone and people are here at all hours of the night to speak to you.

Hang in there, remember your family are there for you and focus on that little boy of yours. I had PND too and it is not nice, my partner was fab he let me mope a little then told me to get a grip and made me go out for a drive (for nice cream cakes) it was hard but we got there.

Keep the chin up


22-10-08, 13:36
Hi Trixi

Thanks so much for your kind words i am trying sooo hard for my son. All i want to do is sleep. Im not sure what promazine is supposed to do either accept make me sleep.

Its so hard i feel all alone, can't pull myself together. I wish i could.

This site is fantastic it really does help.


love Claire xxxxx

22-10-08, 18:01
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

22-10-08, 18:04
Hi Claire

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find lots of support and good advice on here.

Take care


23-10-08, 17:21
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

milly jones
23-10-08, 17:24
welcome to nmp hunny

love from milly xxxx