View Full Version : cariadbach

21-10-08, 21:25
Hi Everybody, It is so nice to know I am not alone.I am 70 and get very frightened at times with my ^Missed Beats*:weep:

21-10-08, 21:31
hi and welcome to nmp. i get the missed beat too. feel free to pm me anytime if you would like to talk about them
x x x :hugs: :hugs:

milly jones
21-10-08, 21:39
welcome to nmp hunny
love milly xxx

Veronica H
21-10-08, 22:22
:welcome: to NMP. Glad you have found us.


22-10-08, 14:49
Hi cariadbach - what a nice username! I'm new here too, and Welsh, so I wanted to welcome you specially.

22-10-08, 14:56
hello and welcome its lovely to have u here, im sure u will find lots of great advice and support here and also meet new friends. hugs xxxx

22-10-08, 15:02
Hi and welcome to No More Panic. There are lots of lovely people here.


22-10-08, 18:01
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

22-10-08, 18:02

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


Cathy V
22-10-08, 21:33
Hi cariad. how long have you been having the missed neats? im 55 now and have had them off and on since i was in my 20s, and there came a point when i had to say to myself that they were not going away completely. They were obviously my 'thing' inreaction to stress, just as other people have migraines or stomach problems. If you've talked to your doctor and had tests (most of us missed beats sufferers have had lots of tests over time) then you perhaps have to accept that its part of your adrenaline 'thing' and that although its not nice and uncomfortable, its not serious and our anxiety over them makes them worse.

Take care
Cathy xxx :)

23-10-08, 17:27
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

23-10-08, 18:30
welcome to nmp. have you spoke to your gp about your anxiety? if not, I would recommend seeing them, maybe they can do something to help. xxxx