View Full Version : I am a freeeeeak

21-10-08, 22:15
Or so i thought. Thank the lord I'm not!

I'm Gareth, I have quite severe panic disorder (or so it seems to me, I hate it) I have bad panic attacks that come from nowhere, the first two times it happened I've ended up in A&E because I thought I was going to die! The first time I was telling the friend who bought me to hospital to say his goodbyes. The second time a sweet old man helped me and I spent two days in Stafford hospital where they did all manner of tests including a chest X-ray, I've never been so scared in my life. They told me (quite rudely) that I was young and healthy and to stop being such a wimp and get on with it. Thanks! And that I probably get road rage or something. Which wasn't very helpful.

Now I know I'm not going to die I don't feel the need to go to hospital but the attacks are still quite bad and frequent, I'm on a high dosage of Propranolol which helps me to sleep (I lie awake thinking about stuff and singing songs to myself about death whilst my heart pounds in my chest and my head) and calms me down a bit but I'm still so damn tense all the time. It's rubbish!

Anyway, if you've read all that well done, hopefully I won't talk this much usually, just a bit skitty tonight.



21-10-08, 22:18
hi and welcome to nmp, you will find lots of great advice and support here and make new friends too. hugs xxxx

21-10-08, 22:19
Hi Gareth,

You are not alone, been at A&E myself they did the test and told me I was fine. Now when I have a panic attack I can reassure myself that this is all it is and I can get over it.


21-10-08, 22:22
Hi Gareth

You are so not a freak! I had my first proper panic attack a few months ago and thought i was having a heart attack-aged 33! I found fresh air and breathing into cupped hands helped a little. Wishing you well.

Veronica H
21-10-08, 22:27
:welcome: Gareth. Many of us have been there, done that, got the T'shirt at A&E. Glad you have found us.


21-10-08, 22:52
Hi and welcome :)


22-10-08, 18:04
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

22-10-08, 18:20
Hi Gareth

Welcome to the site. You certainly aren't a freak there are lots of people on here who will fully understand what you are going through.

Take care


22-10-08, 18:59
Hi Gareth

Hope you are ok. I know Stafford hospital well not the greatest place to be!!!

Are you getting help? Ive seen a psychistrist at St Georges recently waiting for next appointment. I can't stop having panic attacks they just take over your whole life and if im not having an attack i can't stop crying.

I know just how you feel i dread each day.

Take care

Claire xx

22-10-08, 20:14
Hi Gareth,

Welcome to the site. Lots of good advice and support on here.


23-10-08, 17:28
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

milly jones
23-10-08, 18:09
welcome to nmp hunny

love from milly xxxx