View Full Version : When anxiety rears its ugly head again

21-10-08, 22:45
So I think my stupid anx has returned. I was doing okay this second year of Uni, going out was easy and I felt fine in lecs etc. And then I stupidly decided to go out when I had a deadline the next morning. I got my work in fine at 10am, and wasn't feeling too bad at all just hunover. But I had a lecture after it and it suddenly got so hot, the sicky feeling was too much so I had to ask to leave. After that I was fine til the same time next week, where I had anxiety over whether I was gonna feel like that again (the lec theatre reminded me). I got through it, but then it recurred in the next few lectures of different locations and times.

Again all the anxiety so far has been based on me fearing that I'm gonna be sick, now be able to speak or anything like that, which doesn't happen, but I can't help feeling like this at all. And I fear I won't be able to feel normal as I used to.

Please reassure me in saying I'll be able to attend lecs feeling okay!

One more thing - I think I've got a bug that's been going round the uni, I had an awful sleep last night, headache, backache, and a stomachy feeling. Will this 'bug', if I indeed have it, only spur on and make worse my anxiety? And when or if it goes, will I be feeling much better overall?

Many thanks, Olly.

Veronica H
22-10-08, 08:44
hi Olly
I wish I could reassure you that it will just go away, but as you know this is really about the fear of fear. The questions you are asking are really another form of the 'what ifs' a classic symptom of panic anxiety. You are really saying 'what if it doesn't go', 'what if I am never going to be my old self again'. This thinking is what keeps us ill. You may have a tummy bug it is certainly the time of year for picking this sort of thing up, but worrying is what is sensitising your nerves and keeping the panic/anxiety cycle going. Have you read a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded free to your MP3 from the NMP Shop too. Try not to read too much into this latest episode olly,and try to relax as much as you can. (I know, easier said than done).


23-10-08, 02:25
ah thanks a lot, will give the mp3s a go :D