View Full Version : Chest infection

21-10-08, 22:56
Hey everyone, Went to the doctors 2 weeks ago after i had been suffering with a bad chest and cough, he checked me out and said i had got a chest infection.

I still have the cough and from a dry cough it has now turned into a productive cough were i have been getting alot of phlegm up off my chest, at times when i cough my muscles around my abdomon and stomach hurt as if they have been strained.

I am a smoker and have smoked for 10 years i am 27 now, i am just worried it might be something more serious, i am scared about lung cancer, i keep finding myself inspecting anything i cough up looking for streaks of blood.

Dont know whether to go back to the doctors again and explain how im feeling.

21-10-08, 23:15
aw I think you will be ok, I've had a chest infection and still managed to smoke a little even though it hurt really bad. I worry all the time that smoking will kill me and I still smoke!
I think if your unable to smoke, use the chest infection as motivation to stop.

21-10-08, 23:18
I really hate to say the obvious as no doubt everyone has told you already - try very hard to stop smoking as health anxiety and smoking are not a good mix. You are still young enough to have no long term effects from you r smoking at present, but carry on and your lung cancer worry will be a very real threat.

If your bad chest hasn't cleared up a week after stopping antibiotics then it is worth going back to Dr and if you are really worried asking for a chest x ray- but your are so young that your Dr may not want to spend the cost of a chest x ray on someone who is almost certainly not suffering from lung cancer at present. The emphasis on the last two words in the hope it makes you stop smoking!

Sorry I watched my mother chain smoke all her life- making my asthma so much worse as a child and watched her die of cancer in her late 60's so I am a bit biased about smoking:whistles:

22-10-08, 00:00
Thankyou both for replies, i am now trying to pack up, not had a cig for 24hours :D . Doctor did not give me any antibiotics too said it is caused by a virus.

22-10-08, 00:39
Hi Jason - it's good that you're moving towards giving up smoking, for all the reasons that everyone else has said. Just wanted to say that viral chest infections can go on for ages. I had one a few years ago that lasted for months (viruses like to hold me down and give me a good kicking). As long as your doctor isn't worried and you're otherwise healthy and are giving up smoking then I don't think you need to worry - just ride out the virus. Try to look after yourself with nutritious food, gentle exercise and plenty of rest.

22-10-08, 01:03
if your doctor said its just a chect infection im sure he's right.. i would quit smoking if i were you otherwise your always going to worry about this problem.. i got a big scare .. thats how i stopped smoking :scared15: they found somthing on my lungs :weep: turns out it was somthing harmless. thank god :noangel:

22-10-08, 09:21
There are alot of viruses going round at the moment which are causing chest infections.
Jason quittingsmoking isnt easy make an appointment with your practice nurse hun who can help & support you with this. You may find it alot easier having some sort of nicotine replacement x

22-10-08, 11:20
Glad you didn't take offence at my post about stopping smoking - I was a bit worried after I had posted!
AS your Dr hasn't prescribed antibiotics and thinks its a virus then all you can do is watch and wait. I assume Dr told you that if you start to cough up nasty coloured stuff or suddenly get high temp and difficulty breating then get treatment.

22-10-08, 21:01
Thanks for the replies, still off the fags, just keep thinking i hope the damage has not already been done and i already have it! still feeling quite crap will see how i am by the end of the week, if no better will go back to the docs.

23-10-08, 05:50
Good luck to you jason just remembr you have our support! let us know how it goes :noangel: