View Full Version : little brother trouble help!

22-10-08, 09:12
im generally worried for my little brother who is 15 and he's living with my mum and dad, and when i went round this morning he was in his room with a burst nose, black eye, and a missing tooth he said my dad had beat him up because he couldnt find his trakie's, my dad has no control over his anger and my little brother did not deserve what happened to him this morning i dont know what to do, i want to just take him away from there but i cant. im soo angry, i need a cig but i havnt got any and im at work right now so i cant go and buy them. i feel anilihated.
help? please.

22-10-08, 09:15
Get help asap phone social services inform his teachers, anybody. That is a severe form of physical abuse, that kid needs protecting.


22-10-08, 09:18
i cant do that though heather, i cant break up my family. that would just upset my dad even more, plus my little brother went to the police about this before and nothing was done they believed my dad.
co-okie. x

22-10-08, 09:20
Oh dear you are in a predicament, but please do get help, you would never forgive yourself if your dad seriously hurt your brother.
Kids can be a nightmare but not one of them deserves that sort of abuse.
I know it's hard but please talk to someone about it.
If someone saw your brother with these marks then they'd have to believe him, i'm disgusted that the police done nothing at all!!

22-10-08, 09:26
but my mum would be so dissapointed in me, and my mum always takes my dads side. my flat isnt big enough to take him in and i cant let him go to a home.

22-10-08, 10:00
A busted nose, lost tooth and black eye for losing trackies? Um...police intervention! This is absolutely disgusting, whether its his father or whoever, its NOT acceptable. If you're mother is any kind of mother she'd want what is BEST for her blood, her son....

How could any person see their own flesh and blood being beaten for nothing? If ANYONE so much as moved a hair on my sons head i would have them done. No questions asked.

You need to help your brother.

22-10-08, 10:16
Hi co-okie, this is tough on you too, you're still young yourself. But your brother is still a child. It is not fair that someone who has responsibility for him is letting him down so badly and abusing his position of power over someone who cannot physically fight back and legally can't act for himself.

What about your brother's school, or another adult member of the family? Is there anyone that you can go to who could help you? Social services, the police, the school - one or all of them need to be involved to get your father to stop hurting your brother. He must stop. Please find help.

22-10-08, 11:07
I am really sorry you are in this situation, can you phone Child-line- they can give you confidential advice and may be able to help you work out what to do. Maybe you brother could be encouraged to speak to someone at school- trusted teacher, school nurse anyone who will listen. What your Dad is doing is not acceptable.

I really hope that you get this sorted out soon.

Let us know how you get on.

Best Wishes

22-10-08, 11:19
hiya hun, if your mum is taking your dads side then thats terrible considering wots happend to your brother.

hunny do wot u think is the right thing to do, not wot u think should do cos of everyone else.

thats not fair on him and he must be really unhappy, please tell someone.

22-10-08, 12:57
Hi co-okie:hugs: you must think of your brother sweety,if your dad has done this to him it need's to be sorted now,next time could be worse.:ohmy:

Pink Panic
22-10-08, 13:34
Hi Co-okie

The others have really said it all in their replies ..... you must get help for your brother hun. :hugs: xxx

Love & Hugs to you.

22-10-08, 13:40
Hi Co-okie.

Hugs, you are going to have to be brave and tell someone who can help your brother. As already said these beatings are only going to get worse. Your dad needs help too - he can't go on exploding like this, someone may return the beatings one day...

Please get help, your brother really does need your help.

22-10-08, 20:05
yeah yous are right something should be done but im too nervous to tell anyone official just yet it could of just been an angry outburst. it might not happen again. thaan youall again

22-10-08, 20:12
something should be done and quickly , he could end up dead i know thats sounds awful but youre scared of upsetting family ,think how he feels being beaten up for something so small if you cant do it tell someone who can like a friend he needs protecting and quick

22-10-08, 20:46
Whoooah.... I'm a believer in corporal punishment when deserved, but
A busted nose, lost tooth and black eye for losing trackies?????
That is waaaay OTT and needs the police involved, if only to get it on record.
What about next time??? Don't wait until it's a fractured skull or he loses an eye. ACT NOW!!!

22-10-08, 21:22
Hi Co-okie,

You really need to tell the authorities about this; you said yourself that your father has always had a temper. The injuries that he has recieved will ensure that he is believed this time and there will be a record of his former complaint.

This situation will continue to escalate until someone intervenes and as your mother will not I am afraid it is falling to you to act on your brothers behalf. He is a child and needs to be protected at the moment.

Your father obviously needs some help himself with his anger management issues; bringing this to the attention of the authorities should obtain this for him and it does not necessarily mean that your brother will end up in a home. There are other routes that can be taken.

Having the authorities involved might also give your mother the wake up call that she seems to need. Rather than breaking up your family this might be the thing that remedies the problems that are happening.

Has your brother recieved medical attention for his injuries? If not perhaps a trip to the hospital might be an idea.

Hugs to you for having to face this difficult situation


Veronica H
22-10-08, 21:55
Hi Cookie

As you can see we are all horrified and concerned for your brother. People who have grown up in this kind of environment often find themselves normalising it to block out the pain. Did this happen to you too Cookie? I know this is hard for you but the main priority is your brother right now. Your dad cannot control his temper. Perhaps your mum is scared too. A blow which would damage a tooth, could have killed this boy. You have to do something Cookie. Is there a friend or relative who can help you deal with it?

Sending you love and hugs

22-10-08, 22:15
Hi, i used to work in a childrens home and many of the children suffered some kind of abuse throughout their childhood. The affects can be long lasting! Secondly i am sorry to say but it is your responsibility to inform the police or social services of your findings, just as it would be mine if i had discovered a badly beaten boy. He is a child and what your dad did was very wrong, he has commited a crime and he needs reporting. I understand how difficult this is for you but you really have no choice, you could find yourself in trouble for covering this up if anything happened to your brother. Get it sorted asap!

22-10-08, 23:47
cookie, there are 3 people that need your help.
1) your brother needs protecting, and YOU are the only person who can help.
2) your father needs a wake-up call to get professional help for his temper.
3) your mother needs to recognise this abuse for what it is.

You could be responsible for what happens next.
Report it, and save your brother from further injury next time.
Ignore it, and who knows how bad the next beating will be.

23-10-08, 00:45
Hi hunny :hugs::hugs:

My heart goes out to you and your brother :hugs:The hardest step to take, is the first step, BUT, its the right step and that is, getting help for your brother.

It is not going to be easy hun, :hugs:you have to ask yourself, has it happend before? maybe not as bad as this, but has it? Who knows what goes on behind closed doors.

Its sooo hard for you right now, :hugs:you are soo young, I know your scared and nervous but hunny, your brother needs looking out for, he needs you right now to do the right thing.

As you can see there are lots of people on here who are trying to help, your brother only has you. But helping your brother you will help your mum and dad understand things more too, you may not think it will, BUT, it will hunny, they need to understand this should not happen.


Thinking of you


23-10-08, 12:13
thanks everyone,and i know its my responsibilty and i really should do something about it. i know what i should do and all the contact details there all in my bed just now. i need to speak to my brother to see if that is what he really wants. im just worried about what will happen to him. love co-okie xxx

24-10-08, 09:17
You are being really brave Co-okie - just one more step and your brother will have the help he deserves. In the long term you will be benefit from getting help for your brother and dad, otherwise you'll be living on eggshells waiting for the next time etc....

Lots of hugs and please just make the call Co-okie. xxxx

24-10-08, 13:08
Hi there,

I have to say that you have 2 choices right now....

1) You sit back, keep the family together, keep your mum and dad happy leaving your little brother to suffer more abuse, where in turn he will be scared physically and metally! Then he'll start doing it to others (always happens), he'll start picking fights when he's out, maybe start hitting future GF's or worse yet any future children cuz he knows no better


2) you get him out of there ASAP!! Phone the police get your dad charged with ABH and Abuse. Then your brother could come and live with you, and can start to live a normal life, where misplacing a pair of trackies isn't the end of the world! And to hell with if your mum is happy or not, cuz at least your little brother is now safe!

Sorry to be so blunt, but that is about the only way I see it. Abuse it often to easily not delt with as people feel that they wont be believed, you'll be suprised!