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View Full Version : getting better just keeps getting better

06-06-05, 20:04
I just wanted to update anybody who is interested in my getting better.

I'm still on the prozac, and I still get very down, but in general I am still striding on in the right direction.

Last Saturday I met Meg and Jules in Mr Beans pub (You may remember him from the wedding, and despite him still fancying me, he didn't give us a dinner discount. Boo hiss.)

Anyway, I was running terribly late, and literally was showering as I was driving whilst drying my hair. Normally that would send me into a blind panic, but I got there just seconds after Meg, who only lives on the doorstep.

Mr Jules arrived with the second set of photos, and we persuaded him to join us for dinner.

I'm about to be late for pool, so I can't go into too much detail, surfice to say that we had a lovely time, the photos were gorgeous (apart from the "ring cushion", I ate a dish with some pepper in it, didn't get a speeding nor a parking fine, and generally had a really great time, apart from the Vampira waitress.

Despite not getting in till one, I still managed to get to Midland Counties Show for 8 in the morning, dressed with matching socks and suitably presentable to go into the ring. AND WITH NO ANXIETY. NOR PANIC.

That happened today when I checked my bank balance.

I thing going out money should be made available on the NHS. It wasn't till I started to get better that I started to be skint, and being skint, if it gets out of hand could very easily bring my depression on again. But I love doing things now, and would get depressed not doing anything now I can.

Viscious circle or what???

Fingers crossed Alton Towers goes as well


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

06-06-05, 23:27
Hi Charlie,

Keep up the good work your doing ACE!

Take care,


06-06-05, 23:57
You're doing great Charlie. Well done.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-06-05, 01:10

Great news and i hope you have a great time at Alton Towers.

You are doing so well and it is great to read your post.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-06-05, 15:12


07-06-05, 19:48

Look forward to seeing you again next week! Been a long time since we last met up!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

08-06-05, 00:33
Well done you Charlie.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

08-06-05, 09:50
That's great news Charlie !

Take care

Elaine x

08-06-05, 11:46
Hi Charlie

You have worked sooooo hard to get where you are now