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Miss Alissa
22-10-08, 09:59
Hi everybody

Last night I was feeling really jittery and anxious – a combination of low blood sugar, lack of sleep and hormones I think – great combination! Anyway, I’d been wound up so tightly all day and all my muscles just felt like they might snap. I was feeling really low and fed up and just hating the anxiety and the health anxiety and having to ‘deal’ with it all day every day - I was quite teary all the way home. So decided to have good hot shower when I got in – somehow trying to get the top off the shampoo bottle I ended up jabbing a very sharp plastic edge really, really hard into my shoulder – and straight into the middle of a mole that pretty much started all this anxiety off! Then, hooray, it started bleeding – cue tears, fears, panic and everything else that goes with it. In fairness I think any part of my skin would have bled considering how hard I jammed this thing into me – it really hurt. And my doc has told me repeatedly that moles will often bleed if they’re traumatized – but there is still that voice in the back of my head reminding me of a million stories I’ve heard of where that was the first sign of something bad. I’ll also say that 3 doctors have looked at this and aren’t particularly concerned about it –but now I have a giant great red, bloody scab which just looks scary and horrible. I guess I just have to wait until it heals and decide what to do then – but what a stupid thing to do. Freaking about health anxiety so I’ll jam a piece of plastic hard into my mole! I almost had to laugh – I’d just been thinking how hard it was to escape HA – and then I go and do something myself (albeit accidentally) to set it off again. I suppose that’s actually pretty reflective of how this works really – although most of the time the self-infliction is less physical.

On that note – I was thinking of going to the mole clinic to have one of the full body mole checks – my doc was saying they’re pretty good (although not cheap) for keeping an eye on these things and picking up abnormalities. I’m very pale, have had already had a few removed so I’m quite nervous about them – has anybody else done this?



22-10-08, 10:34
hi miss alissa,
just wanted you to know that I understand. HA is terrible and just when you think you getting over one thing, it starts again. pretty much for most of the summer I've worried over the same thing (amongst other things). Got an open sore on my nck and have had it for past few years. began to get worried over it as when looked into it it sounded just like a form of skin cancer. Went to see nurse and a doctor who just told me to keep an eye on it, but that with the position its in would cause more harm that good to remove it. Not very good at calming my HA down as you can imagine. Just try to remind yourself what all the doctors have said that you've seen and not to worry - I know honestly how hard that can be and just keep an eye on it. hope you ok lv pink xxxxxxxxxx

22-10-08, 10:41
I recently read on another website that trauma to a normal mole cannot cause it to turn into something other than a normal mole. It'll just heal up and carry on as before.

I totally understand the mole fear, I recently had one of mine assessed for possible removal. The plastic surgeon (it's on my face) looked at it and said he would be "very surprised" if it was not benign. I can have it removed but there is no urgent medical need to do so. I keep thinking, though, that I'll always worry about it if I don't get it removed.

"Mole maps" are supposed to be good but quite expensive. What price peace of mind, I guess?