View Full Version : Could i be Bi-polar?

22-10-08, 11:12
Hi, does anyone know much about Bi-polar?
My mood goes from one extreme to the other. One minute i feel quite low and lack motivation, then i can feel pretty relaxed. Then sometimes i'm as high as a kite. I have been struggling to assess my moods as i can go up and down throughout the day. I see my psychiatrist for the first time on Friday, I'v been waiting nearly 3 months for this appointment. When my G.P first refferred me at the begining of August i was experiencing extreme anxiety and my mood was constantly low but now it's different, i can't really explain it. I'm scared that he is going to say that i don't need support and discharge me as this happened last time (about 8 years ago). I know that my condition is not normal and i want support in sorting myself out. Just wondered what you lot think.:shrug:

22-10-08, 12:14
I have a close friend who was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder a few years ago. Her experience of the condition is that she goes through phases that last a few weeks at at time - one of manic-type feelings and thoughts, the other of depressive feelings and thoughts.

During the manic phases, she would become much more talkative, easily distracted, would launch into long, rambling, repetitive monologues that didn't always make sense. Sometimes she would behave in slightly dangerous (risk-taking) ways that were out of her usual character such as going off with strange men and recklessly spending much more money than she could afford. Her libido seemed to be much higher and so were her energy levels - she'd stay out all night and run frantically from one activity to the next. Sometimes she'd get so distracted and hyperactive, side-tracked by some random activity that she just forgot to go into work, or didn't think it was important.

After this had happened a couple of times, we all realised something was up. She just wasn't herself and was hurting herself with her behaviour. She ended up checking herself into a psychiatric unit for a few nights. They assessed her as bi-polar for the first time. She is controlling her condition with medication. She still has the manic and depressive phases but they are dampened down by the meds.

So my friend's bi-polar has phases that last for days or weeks rather than up and down in a day. Everyone is different, I guess. Hope that helps.

22-10-08, 12:22
hun go and see the dr explain everything in detail and they will be able to help you, they will be able to assess whether you are truly bi-polar or anything like that, the dr will probably want to monitor you over a period of time and may ask you to make appointments when your mood is up or down so they can get a true picture, they will have a checklist of symptoms and observations that will indicate if you are bi-polar

they will sort you out try not to worry,


22-10-08, 12:31
Thanks for your replies guys! I will explain my moods to the psychiatrist on Friday and see what he thinks, although after hearing about your friend leebee i'm not sure i fit the criteria entirely. I'm not quite as erratic as that, I don't think i would have the stamina LOL.
Maybe you can get milder versions, or maybe it's my meds (forgot to mention i am on prozac), i'l see what the shrink says on Friday Lol

Thanks you two xx

22-10-08, 12:36
I have Bi-polar, was diagnosed nearly 3yrs ago, after being sectioned to a Psychiatric Ward. I was in the middle of having a severe breakdown too. Was there for 4mths.

During the stay my moods were very unpredictable, I would go from as feeling as high as a kite, hyperactive, overly happy non-stop to feeling extremely low into despair of wanting to end my life.

Nobody here can say if you have it or not, a professional will have to diagnose you. My Bipolar seems to be in control right now,.. it's currently my anxiety that's flying all over the place.

Before being diagnosed, I always knew something wasn't quite right when I was experiencing the lows , but when high in mood, I thought nothing wrong, but others around me did :blush:. I used to have to take a combination of meds, have done for 14yrs now, I'm now currently taking just the one Med as I feel that my moods are currently balanced and I believe I know the signs of relapse. My partner looks out for signs too if things start to become bad again, I know i'll have to retake the meds at some other point though, going without right now is a risk i'm willing to take.

Bipolar is quite complex and also varies from person to person. When feeling very sick, we can sometimes loose in touch with reality, it's very strange and can be really scary.

Hope this hopes alittle. :flowers:

Pink Panic
22-10-08, 13:45

30-10-08, 16:07
Jeeze, Bi-polar doesnt sound very nice!
Anyway just to update you, spoke to my psychiatrist who says that 'No' i don't appear to be Bi-polar and instead thinks that my highs & lows are more likely to be down to my under active thyroid. He explained this and it does make sense. Thanks for your replies though.:yesyes: