View Full Version : why cant i just chill out?!

07-06-05, 00:18
i guess you would all say too, the more you worry about having a anxiety attack, the worse it gets. Whenever i get attack i feel like im not getting enough air in and that i am having a asthma attack. Whenever I feel one coming on, ill put on some house music and just try to relax. Think positive thoughts, but sometimes i will feel bad for 2/3 hours at a time. I just moved away from home, i was having anxiety attacks there but i had friends and family to talk to. Here i am living with my uncle, who isnt that sensitive. He really doesnt know what i am talking about and thinks its a chemical imbalance that can be treated with vitamins. I try to tell him i need more then vitamins but he doesnt seem to want to listen. I dont really have a question. I just needed to vent and get some stuff off my chest :)

07-06-05, 00:32
Hi, you are in the right place to do that, it is difficult isnt it, have you tried relaxation, I started yoga and find it really helps.
There is a chat room on this site which I find really helps, I wasent feeling great tonight, was panicky, went in and talked about it then had a laugh over other things, my mind was taken off it, take care, you will get loads of wonderful answers and advice, Alexis, xx

07-06-05, 00:40
yeah i want to start yoga. i started going to a chiropracter which seems to help a little, but i need something more it seems.

07-06-05, 00:56
It is common for people who have never experienced anxiety disorder to be rather insensitive, hurtful even.

Sometimes it is good to have a good vent. It helps you feel better.[8D]

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

07-06-05, 00:57
Hi Mate

Hope we can help you as feeling like you do it helps to know you are not alone.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-06-05, 01:54

If you're interested in yoga, I would definitely recommend it! I have been doing Hatha Yoga for 2 months now, and am noticing a great improvement. I've also been doing accupuncture, which has helped me even more than the Yoga.

Take care, let us know how yuo're doing


07-06-05, 10:17
Finding something you love to do and that helps you relax is the key I think. It could be yoga or could also be going for a short walk - I think it's different for everyone..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

07-06-05, 17:50
I found yoga was great to help with my breathing during an attack but like Sal said, everybody needs different things, on other occassions I would put the dogs lead on and go for a walk,
Hope you doing ok love Alexis

07-06-05, 17:50
Sorry Sarah not Sal, oops:(

08-06-05, 00:00
Hi How are you getting on?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

08-06-05, 18:58
I find breathing techniques are quite good but I also take betablockers, they aren't great but they're ok. I keep meaning to try yoga cos I imagine it'd be really good. I also find that my favourite music (not relaxation music) helps as it brings that feeling of comfort and familiarity

Sue K with 5
09-06-05, 00:43
Hi ya

Venting is good for you, thats why we are all on here. Your uncle comes from the generation of mental illness is all in the mind!!

That does not help and you are lacking the support at the moment.

It might be worth you looking into speaking to your doctor abotu a local councelling or support service in your area.

This place is a fantastic support network and if you need to talk out loud ther is always the chat room

Take care and let us know how things are going

sue with 5 children
