View Full Version : Am scared I have a brain tumour

22-10-08, 15:18
I'm 25. I know this is ridiculous and very rare, but for the last two weeks I've been waking up in the morning with a terrible headache and head pressure. It gets better during the day, but my eyes keep weeping and hurting uncontrollably. I have to keep wiping my eyes every five minutes because lots of liquid will build up in them.

I don't have any nausea associated with the headaches.

Please tell me this isn't a brain tumor!?

22-10-08, 15:24
Hi Candifare

I am sorry you are feeling bad. May be you need to see your doctor and see what he says. It would calm your mind down.

Wish you better


22-10-08, 15:51

Have you ever had tension or Sinus headcahes? I have chrionc tension headaches. Tension headaches can last for weeks and even months. The tension in your neck and shoulders can constrect the blood flow. I would get pressure in my head, when I would bend over or get up to fast. If you do have tension in your neck and shoulders try relaxation techs, or a massage to see if that would help your headache. And when my allergies would bother me my eyes would ache and water all the time.

I hope this helps:)


22-10-08, 18:06
I'm 25. I know this is ridiculous and very rare, but for the last two weeks I've been waking up in the morning with a terrible headache and head pressure. It gets better during the day, but my eyes keep weeping and hurting uncontrollably. I have to keep wiping my eyes every five minutes because lots of liquid will build up in them.

I don't have any nausea associated with the headaches.

Please tell me this isn't a brain tumor!?

What is it with people and brain tumours? I tell you what you can have mine.:D

Are you allergic to something hence the runny eyes? Does this help http://www.revolutionhealth.com/forums/ear-nose-throat/sinus-headache/153071

22-10-08, 18:41
My gp told me if it was a brain tumour it just gets worse and worse, it wouldn't ease during the day.

di xx

22-10-08, 18:45
My gp told me if it was a brain tumour it just gets worse and worse, it wouldn't ease during the day.

di xx

They found mine by accident I was having an MRI for tinnitus the consultant said they couldn't find the cause of it but I had this tumour. At the moment (touch wood) I am not getting any symptoms so my neurosurgeon won't operate until I do. I have an MRI every few months to check on its growth.

22-10-08, 20:14
It sounds more like sinus problems to me..I know its scary but check out Cancer Research's brain tumour symptoms, its always better to "face the fear", usually!

It's unlikely you have one..although I'd say go see your doc just to make sure.

22-10-08, 20:49
Do you sleep with your bedroom window open/ajar?

23-10-08, 16:42
Hi Candiflare,

I empathise with you about the brain tumour fear. It's one of my big ones too. I've asked lots of doctors and they all roll their eyes and say it's so unlikely etc etc...

Anyway, yes. I remember vividly about 8 years ago I started a new job, which involved data entry into computers pretty much all day. After a while of working there, I developed HORRENDOUS headaches, which would start in the morning but not get better, despite using ibuprofen which normally works well for me. I went to my GP who prescribed some Diclomax - another anti-inflammatory but one with more specific action than over-the-counter ones. A course of that worked a treat, cos they turned out to be tension headaches. But they were really bad, I couldn't believe stiff muscles could cause such problems!

Now I'm not sure if this is your problem or not, but it might be worth another GP visit for some good painkillers if nothing else.

Good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine :D

Anna. x

27-10-08, 00:50
My advice is to seek reassurance from a qualified doctor, I think in your case their opinnion would be the only one that matters - all the best :hugs: