View Full Version : lithium anyone??

milly jones
22-10-08, 16:40
at the hospital today the psychiatrist suggested putting me on lithium as it would help my mood.

anyone ever had any experience of this drug and if so what happens??

many thanks milly xxx :blush:

milly jones
22-10-08, 20:09
please someone must know about this lol

22-10-08, 20:13
ive had it and told you in pm about it lol but there must be others who have had it aswell come on everyone help milly

22-10-08, 20:15
Hi Milly

is there anything in the medication section about it? I havent taken it and my knowledge would depend on what ever google threw up which i wouldnt rely on lol
However apparently it can be successful as a mood stabiliser when coupled with anti d's the figures i saw was for a 70-80% success rate of use in certain mood disorders but again Milly this is google based.


Pooh x

milly jones
22-10-08, 20:24
cheers amanda and pooh

i dont want to google

i just remember robbie williams singing about it

mill xxxx

Cathy V
22-10-08, 20:33
Mill, lithium is given for depression, its a mood altering drug. If you can contact decca, hes brill with the meds and im sure hed know more about it. im still catching up but will try to find out more for you. chin up, Cath xxxx

22-10-08, 21:06
Hi Mills,
Yea - it's one of the oldest drugs used for Manic depression - Bi Polar disorder as it's now known.
Take a look here - http://www.irishhealth.com/clin/depression/lithium.html.
it should answer all your questions,
Oh and go along with your health advisor, they know whats best for you.

God bless.


milly jones
22-10-08, 21:15
cheers cath and decca

i feel like a guinea pig

they try something and the combination doesnt work, so they change my meds

wish theyd hurry up and make me feel better


23-10-08, 10:07
Hi there,
Yes I used it years ago. I had to have regular blood tests to check that I wasn't getting too much in my system. To be honest, it's not a very good drug in my opinion. It's addictive and gets you high. Just from my experience.

23-10-08, 10:14

I think Lithium is called Clozaril now not sure, but I know people who take this drug are very closely monitored something to do with blood tests, and I have seen people who function very very well on it.



23-10-08, 10:45
I've been on lithium for a couple of years - was put on as I was having repeated episodes of depression. It's made a huge difference for me and I'm a big fan. Like most drugs it may suit some people and not others. It is a bit of a faff that I have to have blood tests every 3 months to make sure the level is right in my system. I also have to have thyroid and kidney function checked as it can affect them but hasn't so far for me. So far so good though. At the start more regular blood tests are needed to get the level right in the system.

Bottom line, it's worked for me. I'm also encouraged by the fact that it's much more natural than many pharmaceuticals - it's present in the earth in the garden. Any more questions either post back or PM me.

milly jones
23-10-08, 11:07
thanks guys

as always u are a reassuring bunch

at least i know what im in store for

mill xxxxx

23-10-08, 16:21
Hi Milly I'm on lithium 1,000mg and inspite of its bad press and horrendous list of side effects this medication has worked well for me. I have been on it for about ten years. I suffer from severe recurrent depression. This medication has enabled me to keep fairly stable. Until last year I hadn't seen a psychiatrist for three years. My illness had remained stable until I had a relapse last year and my lithium was upped. You will need to go for weekly blood tests at first and then three monthly to check your lithium levels in your blood. Toxicity is very serious indeed. Liver, thyroid and electrolyte levels might also be checked at the same time. Some people experience changes in their thyroid function which is not reversable. Lithium has worked well for me. I expect to remain on it for the rest of my life. I take 'priadel' You usually remain on one type of lithium you can't change around. Psychiatrists usually put you on this treatment although thed monitoring is sometimes done at the doctors. Hope this helps.

milly jones
23-10-08, 16:41
thank you elizabeth

nic x
23-10-08, 20:43
hi, iv never taken it,but my aunt takes it daily, she suffers bipolar disorder, shes been on it bout 2 yrs and fine, she does a lot of meds with it to x

milly jones
24-10-08, 13:24
thanks nic x

wish i knew what they going to treat me for next

know ive got dep/anx and avoidant personality disorder

but presently on ads and antisychotic for schitzophrenia, now they are adding bp meds in too

spose doesnt matter if i feel better when i take them i guess

just feel they are trying any combination to relieve the symptoms

24-10-08, 19:08
Hi everyone

This is a very difficult subject for me to discuss so dont mention it too often however, my brother-in-law was on lithium for a while but it did nothing for him so they put him on clozaril, you have to be very well monitored on both drugs. Unfortunately, Brian died due to contradictions with the drug (clozaril) so in my opinion any of the more serious drugs that can be offered should be done so with great care.

Love lilibet x

milly jones
24-10-08, 19:47
ty for sharing that lilibet xx

19-12-08, 22:45
I have taken Lithium and after 4 months st 1000mg i am desperate to get off as i'm led too believe it can cause thyriod and kidney problems, I was given it for mood control and find it pretty useless - I have reduced my does by myself snd feel better and more in control. It takes immense will power amd support to give up any, be strong - the rewards are unbelievable

Cathy V
19-12-08, 22:49
Cookie, milly had only just been given lithium when she wrote this thread...back in october. She wasnt trying to give it up as she had only just started it and was asking for people's feed back from it. The giving it up part might not come along for her for a while.

27-12-08, 19:25
apologies for giving a very abrubt reply - I gave the wrong impression and appeared to be scaremongering - i'm really sorry. I think it is always good to have opposite ends of the topic available to see how these effect us all, but as expressed in this and all threads - you own evaluation of lithium is the most important one - I sincerely hope it gives you the comfort and peace of mind that all of us here are seeking and contraray to my first post, I would say that you should always try something that's prescribed and give it a reasonable chance to make a difference. I again apologise for creating the wrong impression through typing to fast and thinking too slow. Peace be with all of us here at this time of year and for the future.

27-12-08, 20:24
I stand in defence of lithium . I have been on this drug for over ten years. I knew that it could have irreversible effects on my thyroid. I monitor myself carefully always taking my medication at the right time never getting dehydrated. I go for regular blood tests and I watch for signs of toxicity. My moods have become stable on this drug. I have had had one serious attack of illness in ten years. For me it has been a lfesaver. It has prevented serious depression. It is a powerful drug but in correct useage its effects can be life saving.