View Full Version : burning/sore sensation in my back

22-10-08, 19:03
Hi all

Can anyone relate to this???
The last two days I have had this awful burning/soreness in my upper back. The only way I can descibe it is that it feels like someone has poured boiling water on my back. It goes from the top of my shoulders to just below my ribs. It dos'nt really hurt to breath or anything.
I suffer with bad acid reflux but I've not had this before.
A few months ago, I had a similar sensation just across my shoulders but not my whole back.
I'm really trying not to panic about it, but i keep thinking its my lungs etc.
It was'nt too bad when I woke up this morning, but has got worse as the day has gone on.


22-10-08, 19:37
I get that awful burning too, I think its anxiety related cos mine is better on some days than others. I too suffer from acid reflux but have never had that feeling before I got anxiety. Could maybe check with doc to put your mind at rest.

22-10-08, 19:51
Burning sensation could also be excess acid and an ulcer - best to get it checked out. I don't think it sounds dangerous at all, could also be some muscle damage?