View Full Version : Claire Weekes

23-10-08, 07:44
Hi after about 4 years of suffering from panic, I now have it much more under control. I reckon I'm about 85% back to "normal" (whatever normal is!).

However, I don't seem to be able to defeat the remaining 15%. I still fear traffic jams, flying, meetings, and situations I can't get out of!

I thought it might help to read the "famous" Claire Weekes book, that everyone seems to rave about.

Trouble is, she has written quite a few! My question is: which is the best one to read for panic?

23-10-08, 07:53
Hiya hope u are ok 2 day .

there are 2 I have .......self help for your nerves
and essential help for your nerves

I read self help 1st then essential help ..you can buy them on here on the NMP shop or you can get them off Amazon x

titchjd xxxxxxxxx

23-10-08, 08:35
Hi Chap

yip both of those Titch mentioned are great, and she also did an audio tape/CD I used to listen to in the car on the way to meetings.

It was like taking aunty Claire with you :)

Check out http://www.drclaireweekes.co.uk/


23-10-08, 09:11
My favourite is Self Help for your nerves! :yesyes:

I recently listened to the recordings that Jaco mentioned and they're fab too - mind you she has the most interesting accent (I should talk :blush: ) it's like Dame Edna Everage meets the Indian guy from the mini mart in the Simpsons, to a touch of the witch in Snow White but somehow does work lol!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-10-08, 09:59
Have a look on the shop page for some free MP3 downloads and 2 books that I recommend.

www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop)

23-10-08, 10:11
Piglet you are funny you have made me chuckle. Your description if Clare weeks is spot on. Fair play to her though she knows her stuff.:D

23-10-08, 11:17

Piglet :flowers:

23-10-08, 19:29
Thanks for all your comments! I think I'll try the self help one first.

The audio tape/cd sounds interresting, also

23-10-08, 20:10
Claire Weeks is my hero. I think you have the description of her voice spot on Piglet but I love that voice and when I am out and start having a panic her voice comes into my head from nowhere.

Hope her books help you as much as they helped me


23-10-08, 22:15
Claire Weeks is my hero. I think you have the description of her voice spot on Piglet but I love that voice

Weirdly so do I hun lol :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

23-10-08, 22:38
I owe the late Dr. Weekes a great deal of gratitude, and only wish that I had discovered her wisdom many years ago.

Also, I must thank this web site, NMP, for introducing me to Dr. Weekes through posts here.

I suffered terribly with both low-level background anxiety, and the occasional sever panic attack. I'm probably back to being as "normal" as I will ever get (and plan to stay that way).

So . . .

I can highly recommend her books and audio.

I have an audio series that she broadcast from her home in Australia, to the radio listening audience here in the United States. If it weren't for copyright issues (royalties paid to her estate for use), I would love to convert the programs into MP3 files and provide them to everyone.

I have also ordered from the NMP forum store, and could not be happier with the quick service that I received here in the States.

I understand that Dr. Weekes was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, but it was given to another nominee for that year. I would love to see her eventually receive the Prize, as her work continues to help millions around the world to this day.

The title of one of her books is slightly different here in the States: Hope and Help for Your Nerves, I believe is the most popular (and most easily obtainable) title here.

P.S. Don't discount listening to Dr. Weekes while you sleep. Just play her audio recordings softly and drift off. Great for those middle-of-the-night reawakenings.

Veronica H
23-10-08, 23:05
Hi all
Never2late, couldn't agree with you more. I had a panic attack yesterday having had a great deal of success with Dr Weekes teachings over the last three months. I was able to get this under control quickly using her techniques and have listened to the downloads again today. I feel alot more positive now.
I think they should still award the prize to her too. She was an extraordinary person and a fellow sufferer, hence her ability to map the trajectory of this illness so accurately, even the setbacks. I do wish that when I am instructed by her 'to set off to the grocers for a reel of cotton or a bar of chocolate', that I could resist the chocolate option though!


11-11-08, 07:39
OK I have now got about half-way through "Self Help for your nerves"

What can I say? This book has been a revelation! It is written in a fairly old-fashioned way, and uses some strange (and sometimes alarming) terminology - (she keeps referring to "breakdowns" and "spasms") - but the book was written a very long time ago!

The first chapter was amazing! here, she goes through the symptoms of a sufferer, but goes through in depth what happens, but more importantly, what the sufferer will be thinking This is the first time that I have seen in print some of the negative thought processes I have been having.

Since starting to read this book, I have been feeling so much better - it's like someone has flicked a switch!

I would recommend this book to anyone suffering from panic!