View Full Version : I started councelling yesterday!!!!

23-10-08, 11:15
I had my first councilling session today.It had been arranged through my speech therapist and partly through work as i work in the nhs.
I was really nervous and she was really nice.I thought you went and they just listened but she actually could tell me my personality off to a tee.She was also shocked at what has happened in my life and told me i am not nuts and i have reacted like anyone else.

I dont get on with my mother as she is very controlling and manipulative and dont really have a lot to do with her.I have told her i dont want a relationship with her as she has hurt me too much in the past, but i would never pas her in the street and not speak.
She seems chuffed that i am going as she thimks it will sort my head out and that we will get on better for it as its in "my head".
She has ruined everything in my life including my wedding,birth of my kids,movin in with my hubby,and still thinks she can critise everything i do.

I have now decided that i will have no contact with mum or dad while i am having councilling.

23-10-08, 12:39
aw darling *hugs you* imsorry about what your mum hasdone to you but im glad you've taken councelling hun. im sure things will get alot better for you.

23-10-08, 14:24
Well done Donna for starting counselling that is a very positive step, I'm sure having a break from your mum will help as well. Best Wishes with it.