View Full Version : Is there something about me?

23-10-08, 13:02
I am feeling really really confused at the mo.I seem to be loosing friends like theres no tomorrow.Ive made a few descisions this year and one was to find out who my real friends are and guess what?None.I have a few friends on msn but that is it.I have no one that invites me round or to go out with.Men run away from me really quick so ive given up now and my family hardly bother with me.Surely there has to be something about me?I try to be the best friend i can,i'm always caring but ive been treated so bad.I can't even go into the chat room anymore cos no one seems bothered:( I can see me ending up as one of these recluses that sees no one.I do have my two lovely kids but they are going away next week with their Dad who i split from 7 years ago,they see him every weekend too so i always miss out on all the good stuff.I want to screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam.I don't know how my life has turned out like this,i used to have lots of friends but since i opened the business they have disappeared.My last bf treated me like absoloutely s**te as alot of you know,am i feeling like this because of that i wonder?I am having counselling at the mo and she is helping me but i still feel very very lonely and i really don't want my kids to go away next week:(

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23-10-08, 13:14
hi hun, i had this with friends, good friends are hard to find, we can all find friendly people but when it comes down to it most of those will run.

i have got one very good friend and lots of so called friendly people but i only have 1 or 2 that i can really confide in.

i think sometimes if u are really nice and caring people take advantage of u and once they dont need u anymore push u away, i hate that.

i think matey u got to stop thinking its u, cos its not, mayb cos u are feeling vulnerable and low u atrract the wrong people, people who are fake friends.

also u will attract controlling insecure men, u got to learn to like yourself and not care wot people think of u and your confidence will grow too, then true friends will appear, please believe me cos i been there.

i trusted someone for a year who i thought the world of and they turned out to b fake and devastated me, i realised i got into that position cos i was needy, giving out the wrong signals, insecure and they knew exactly wot buttons to push with me and to giv me wot i wanted, but it wasnt real.

please believe in yourself and b confident and think who cares if people wanna ignore me thats ther eprob not mine, b comfortable in your own skin hunny and u will c things change.
hugs xx

23-10-08, 13:42
AWW hun i know its not the same but you have plenty friends here..

you are not alone

o yer thanks for listening before hun love and hugs xxxxxxxxxx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

23-10-08, 13:46

Donna is absolutely right.
And do you know what mate, when they treat you bad and turn out not to be the friend you thought they were, are they really worth having.

You're a good person ali............. you know you are.

Good friends are hard to find..........and good men, but they are out there.
Don't give up on it hun, stand your ground and take no sh*t.

di xx

23-10-08, 17:09
oh ali. . .
you are my mate . . . i know we have not met yet but we will soon.
and once we`ve met you wont be able to get rid of me lol
i know you have had a really hard time lately these are for you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
i know what you mean about friends though, i dont really seem to have many that i would call real friends if you know what i mean.
will catch up with you soon

23-10-08, 17:19
Hiya m8y ...................

It is definately not you hun we are so similar in our situation and I really now how you feel.Its very lonely and very tough ......I have a few good friends but Im 1 of those friends that gives gives and gives but when Its my time 4 help they just arent there and its soo hard ....I always think why do people take advantage when Id do anything for anybody ......x

My daughter went away with her dad in Sept on his honeymon and It was 1st time away from her but 2 b honest it fled by ...the kids will be back b4 u know it m8 xxx

You know where I am hun if u need a chat x

Titch xxxxxxxxxxxx

milly jones
23-10-08, 17:28
ali hunny

i consider myself to be one of your nmp chat room friends, and i apologise for not entering chat as often as i used to

but please, this is nothing to do with you and if u were in chat on the odd occasion i do venture in i would always talk to u hunny


milly xxxx

23-10-08, 17:39
Is there something about you ?


You're a great person Ali !:bighug1:

23-10-08, 19:05
Hi Ali

There is nothing wrong with you, it's them!

Same thing happened to me & if you watch others, you'll see that when the chips are down these so called friends will disappear, they're called fair-weathered friends, only with you when things are ok.

I've even known people to lose their friends when they have got a physical illness, like cancer or something. A little while ago my neighbour got very sick & I was the only one to go & see him apart from his brother. All these so-called friends of his around here & not one of them could be arsed to go & see how he was. He's 71 years of age & now only finding out what people (NOT ALL) are like!

It's very hard, I didn't mean to talk about myself, only to let you know that nearly everyone is in the same boat as far as friends & so-called family goes.

I have no one either, I live on my own & am totally alone, no one wants to know me because apparently I make them feel uncomfortable!! Oh boohoo!!!!!!!!!!! Poor them!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I don't give a rats arse, cause they obviously weren't friends to begin with.

Hopefully you will find proper friends who will stick with you in good & bad times. You don't need them anyway, now you've found out what they're really like, you're too good for them, honestly.




nic x
23-10-08, 20:40
hi ali, ahh have a massive hug!!!!! xxx and another x

23-10-08, 20:55
Hey Ali
Heres another one who thinks of you as a mate, and a really good one too, please dont think your alone hun because your not, i only wished we lived closer to each other so we could actually meet up for coffee and a natter, who knows hopefully one day we will

23-10-08, 21:41
Hey there Hud

I'm sorry you dont live up here or that i dont live down in wiltshire cause we would be out having a ball. You better consider me a friend or im coming down thee to beat you up with a bunch of flowers. Oh and i am still reading about transactional analysis and I'm liking that model. I will feed back hun. In the mean time I LOVES ME MATE ALI.
take care hun

love Pooh xx

23-10-08, 21:48
Hi Ali,

Its definately not you, who needs friends like that ! -its their loss as far as I'm concerned.

Sending you big hugs


Take care
Marina xxxxxxxxx

24-10-08, 16:32
Oh lord i'm sitting here blubbing now after reading your messages,just what i soooooooooooo need at the mo,thankyou thankyou thankyou.Why can't you all just come and live down here in Wiltshire??????When i feel that bad again i will keep reading those messages to cheer me back up again so i know i'm not alone really.Love to you all.
Ali xxxxxxxxx

milly jones
24-10-08, 16:43
ur never alone 24/7 365 days a year with nmp hunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

24-10-08, 16:48

Pooh x

24-10-08, 17:44
Don't worry, you're not alone :) I've often sat crying and thinking I must be the worst friend on earth because I have lost about 3 close friends in the past year. My best friend in particular, we close for years and years and suddenly she went cold on me, didn't even wish me happy birthday and I haven't spoken to her in months. Similar with other friends too. I consider myself to be a good friend so I don't know why this happens.

It leads to lonely times, often I feel like I have no real "best friend" so I know how you feel. Everyone on here seems to love you, so don't forget that! xx

24-10-08, 18:23
Aw Ali hun..... im sorry your feeling so down, but, you know im always here for you if you need a shoulder.
I know you think the world of your kids and you work so so hard to give them a good life and nice home.
You should be proud of yourself the way youve coped lately with all the s**t youve had thrown at you. I think your a lot stronger than you realise. Its not easy to come to terms with the idea that people who we thought were good friends turn out to be 'fair weather friends'...for the want of a better word, but your better off in the long run hun because they would just pull you down...and your worth more than that. Youve got so many friends here who care about you...please remember that.
Hope your feeling a bit better by now hun.
Take care
Your mate...Lesley xxx
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

24-10-08, 19:30
Ali my long distance friend,

Aww it makes me so very sad to read your post. I do understand though because I have finally come to realise that in a lifetime we only have a handful of true friends. When I moved to the States 15 years ago everybody said they would keep in touch, yeah right, only 1 person is still a true friend to me and I find that really sad. I gave up being the nice person and always writing, calling etc, friendship is a two way street and takes effort from both parties.

You are a wonderful person, look in the mirror and remember that. Times have been difficult so it just seems worse right now. Be confident in who you are and be selective about who you choose to be friends with. I am trying to do that too and distance people from my life who I think are not genuine and don't really care unless they are benefiting in some way.

Maybe you could join a social type club or something or try a new hobby for a way to meet people. You only have to tell them what you want them to know and they won't judge you in any way.

Sometimes when I am on here reading what my cyberfriends say, I feel so far removed from you all and wish I was there to come and help in some way. I think in general it's a lonely world for a lot of people, definitely for me a lot of the time.

Anyway, hang in there matey. Feel free to pm, email or call me anytime. I'd love to have a chat.

Hugs, Natalie

25-10-08, 17:29
hi ali, im quite new on here so havent made "friends" on here yet..but i do understand what u are going thru, and i too have recently been wonfering who my real friends are..since ive been ill them seem to have reduced in number!! and tbh id say im left with one good one!

i wish i stayed near you so we could meet up!!

i do know one things tho..its not you thats the problem, its them!!

u have been nice to your friends and been there for them and obvioulsy they just dont have the time to give back to you!

so pls pls dont feel down about this, as someone else said, be comfortable with yourself and youll gradually realise whos good friends and whos not!! take care and i hope we can chat more on here casue im in need of good friends too!!