View Full Version : Breathing issues again...

23-10-08, 13:04

So the last few days i have gotten bad again with my breathing. i thought i was over this little HA as i went to the docs and of course they put it down to anxiety, when i was convined it was lung cancer or copd after 8 years of smoking...
I felt so much better, but its crept up on me again and i cant help thinking that something is wrong. Its like i always have to take deep deep breathes and try to yawn, i feel like im not getting enough air in. I also feel really tense and feels like a huge effort to breathe. Also im breathing heavily i can literally see my poor little chest freaking out and rising really heavily.
Anyone else have this? Wierdly enough the only thing that gets rid of it is if i have a glass of wine.. i guess i relax and forget about it, so it does sound like anxiety but its just so physical and i cant control it at all. i can hardly get the vino out at work lol(although a glass of red right now would go down a treat...:noangel: ) I hate this, i hate feelign like this it comes and goes 2 bad days then ill be okay for a while....
Oh another question...has anyone on here had councelling before? I finally decided to get some through my doctors and my first session is coming up, im really nervous just cant imagine how it will all start off and ill open up to a complete stranger face to face. My parents ahd a messy diviorce when i was 13 and fourteen years on its been 8 years since i saw my real dad. so im doing the whole therapy thing to hope it helps me, i know my anxiety stems from a lot of this. Im just interested i guess in how it sort of works i have no idea and getting worried about it now!

sorry for the whole "sharing!" (very un british of me lol)
Thanks in advance

23-10-08, 13:37
Skye, I used to have that!!! The doctor kept telling me it was down to anxiety and I thought it was myself at first, but it got so bad I knew there must have been something physical to it.

Get yourself tested for allergies, they said I had the highest levels of IgE they had ever seen. Then they put me on the most potent corticosteroids and antihistamines. To be honest I don't think either of them did any good. They also found I had a hiatus hernia. You don't also have an ingrown toenail or anything do you...

A word of warning: It could get a LOT worse before it gets better. I was literally almost dying from it, I didn't know what was going to happen to me. It just kept getting worse and worse and worse, but for some reason then it started getting better again. Now my breathing is fine, it doesn't bother me at all. (although yesterday I got it very bad randomly in the morning, but just temporarily). I'm really afraid I'm going to die of this though, before the average age of dying. :/ It's a horrible thing to have.

23-10-08, 14:00
Sorry to hear that things have gotten like this for you. Please rest assured that this does sound like anxiety and nothing else. If a glass of wine can calm you down it is anxiety. I have had the same breathing issues before and have mostly gotten it under control. Remember when you get like that to deep breathe and try and focus when you do it. Try breathing from your diaphram not your chest. Once you get going on the deep breathing it should relax you. Have a glass of wine if it helps but try not to only rely on that. I know it is scary to feel like you cant breathe, but if you can learn to not fear it and breathe right it will go away. Take care.

23-10-08, 16:33
Hi Skye
Hope your feeling ok today
I have just gone through a really bad episode of what you are explaining...breathing problems etc (The wine helped me aswell:blush: guess its the realaxing effect). It lasted about 5-6 weeks i just got myself into such a worry, i know i just made it worse. One thing that really helped was reading the 'symptoms' article from the main menu on the left. Its like a light being switched on when you realise they are describing what you are feeling. I did have one counselling session about 2years ago and it seemed so easy to just start babbling and crying (not that i intended)to a stranger...i guess they are counsellors because they make you feel at ease. It did help although i wish i had a few more sessions.
Anyway your not on your own and very best wishes for your counselling hope it really helps you.:hugs:

24-10-08, 22:26
I have had the same almost all the time for a good couple of weeks and I'm freaking out and can't get rid of it.
I'm hoping it's anxiety because twice or three times it stopped for a few days but came back. Also it doesn't bother me in my sleep and can't really feel it in the morning until I think about it (which is very soon unfortunately).
Also it reduces a bit with exercise rather than getting worse.

25-10-08, 23:44
I get the same thing. I've had all the tests and they came back normal (asthma breathing test, chest xray, echocardiogram). It comes and goes for me. Right now I don't have it, but it will come on suddently and last for a few weeks/months and they go away again. I don't understand what it is but it seems like a lot of people here get it.