View Full Version : I can't stop crying please help!

23-10-08, 13:47
I feel really bad today i feel like a i havent spoken to anyone for days.My husband is working alot because im off sick from work. I just feel bad and guilty about everything. I feel so low today and alone. I like to go out walking but i have hurt my foot badly so i feel really isolated. Its like Groundhog day all the time. I am not sure if my meds are working or making me feel worse. The only time i feel better is wine i drink wine aftre my son has gone to bed. Please don't judge me as i know it is wrong but for just a fraction of my life i feel calm and normal. I don't konw when i am seing my psychatrist again i feel as if ive been left to get on with it. I think my husband is starting to get fed up of me too he tries but it is hard for him to understand.

Please help

Claire XX

23-10-08, 13:59
Hi Claire..
Have you spoken to your husband about the way you feel?


23-10-08, 14:03

I remember feeling like you do now, after the birth of my daughter.
I became so down, it was horrible, especially when the kids were in bed, it felt like i was caged, everyday was the same, like you say groundhog day.

Have you any friends that you could call on?
And like belle said, does your hubby know how you feel.

di xx

23-10-08, 14:16
Hi everyone thanks for your replies.

My hubby does know how i feel but he doesn't really know what to do. We do talk and it helps but he has been working nights so i don't get to see him much. My momms comming later but she tries to fix everything and bombards me with info my head goes to mush!! But a least its company. I just want to get better for my son. I don't want this to effect him. I love him soo much.

Does anyone else ever been on promazine and did it help? I don't think the prozac is working im not sure.

Claire xx

23-10-08, 17:24
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

milly jones
23-10-08, 18:12
welcome to nmp hunny

love from milly xxxx

23-10-08, 18:36
Hey Claire, big hugs, I have days where I feel like that. Execise helped me a lot, even if you can do something that doesn't hurt your foot too much?

How long have you been on meds? I just started Citalopram and you're bound to have doubts if you don't feel the effects immediately. Patience is a virtue so try holding out til you know for sure, or whether you're just worrying unnecessarily. If you still they're not working, you could speak to your doctor about trying an alternative.

23-10-08, 18:50

ive been on promazine for 3 weeks and i have been on 40mg of prozac for 5 weeks. I still feel very anxious though. The promazine helps me sleep i think!!

Thanks for your kind words. I would dearly love to go for a brisk walk but i am in alot of pain.
How are you finding the citalopram? Do you think they are working?


23-10-08, 20:00
Hi Claire

Welcome to the site I am sure you will meet many people on here who understand how you feel.

Take care
