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23-10-08, 14:37
I was on propranolol 10mgs as and when needs. When i went back to the drs he gave me a prescribtion for 1 10mgs x 3 times aday. I told him that i was only on as and when, and said, thats fine but i can take it up to 3 times a day.

Is it best to take this every day, even if it one tablet aday, or one tablet as & when.

I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety, which makes it hard to go some times, like kids plays, drs. but i can do other things like Some small shops, school runs, and walking general.

So when do you take yours, every day or when needed?

02-11-08, 18:37
I was taking 1 x 80mg propranolol, twice a day.
Have cut down over the last couple of months, and not taken any for the last couple of weeks.

Am finding my irritability/anger can go off the scale at times.
Not sure whether to go back on them.

Cathy V
02-11-08, 18:45
I also take propranolol 80mg slow release once a day..usually in the mornings. kendo, i found that when i tried to stop taking them my anx was off the scale too, because betablockers slow your heart and system down, so they kind of act like a tranquilser (benzo) so when you stop taking them you can go into withdrawal in the same way as you can when you stop taking benzos. That was my experience anyway back in march when the doc tried to swop me from propranolol to ace-inhibiters to treat the high bp that i was origionally given prop for. He ended up having to swop me back after a week of high anx!

Twin Galaxies
16-11-08, 02:53
iv been taking 3 x 40mg a day he did say as and when if your only on 10mg id take it daily if only to train your mind a placebo kind off

Natural Mystic
18-11-08, 19:11
I also take propranolol 80mg slow release once a day..usually in the mornings. kendo, i found that when i tried to stop taking them my anx was off the scale too, because betablockers slow your heart and system down, so they kind of act like a tranquilser (benzo) so when you stop taking them you can go into withdrawal in the same way as you can when you stop taking benzos. That was my experience anyway back in march when the doc tried to swop me from propranolol to ace-inhibiters to treat the high bp that i was origionally given prop for. He ended up having to swop me back after a week of high anx!
I find it better taking them early evening personally, mainly due to the fact that my anxiety is worse at night.

18-12-08, 11:03
I take it when i need it, ie panic attack coming on or the anxiety is so bad that it will end up in a panic attack. But if u can hang in there during the day it would probably be better to take it in the evening or so, since it can make u sleepy. U'll probably get a better sleep as well.


25-09-09, 14:46
I was prescribed this drug last year after a long time on its cousin Atenolol.My daily dose of propranolol is 80mg x2 in the morning....though the capsules are modified release.

29-09-09, 15:54
I take 20mgm in the morning and 20mgm in the evening. Ordinary 10mgm tabs not slow release. Originally given to me by consultant for ectopic beats but carried on for anxiety. XX

29-09-09, 22:25
I was originally on 10mg three times a day, but as I felt that taking them throughout the day was just constantly reminding me that I stuggled with anxiety, therefore making the anxiety worse, I started taking two a day and then down to one. I know make sure I take one a day, but I also let myself take more if I feel I need to.

I told my doc this and he didnt seem in the slightest worried, tbh I thought he was just giving me them as a placebo to begin with. don't care how they work though as long as they make me feel a bit better. They just seem to take the edge off.

I also take some kalms tablets on bad days, and I'm constantly chewing rescue remedy tablets. So maybe you could take them whenever you just feel the need?

nat x

25-10-09, 17:29
I take mine before music exams and choir concerts - coz otherwise I shake like a leaf and people notice! Especially with music exams, the timing/doseage is important - When I took my first exam, I took 2 tablets one hour before and I was still shaking when I went into the exam - although I still managed to pass with 'Merit'. So now, I take 3x 10mg tablets about 2 hrs beforehand. I've only got a month till my next exam and even just thinking about it now, gives me butterflies in my stomach! Sometimes I think 'I can't do it' and other days, I feel more confident. Sometimes, I feel a bit wiped out/tired the following day, after taking 3 tablets.

16-06-10, 10:15
I take 1x80mg in the morning. Typically 10mg are quick release tabs. So they work within 10-15 mins of taking them. Therefore, they are better to be taken as and when, rather then once a day. Hope this helps x

16-06-10, 10:25
I was originally prescribed with 40mg of prop 3 times a day but they didn't help with my mental anxiety so I moved over to citalopram. I did stop taking the prop during the first week of the cit but took one on the second day to help calm my nerves and after I had a panic attack at the end of the first week I took one on the morning with my cit for a few days. I've taken one again this morning after several weeks of not taking any as I'm feeling a bit jittery.
