View Full Version : Bad Pains in my Head

23-10-08, 16:56
Hi all
I have suffered with neck probs for a while and also had bad headaches down the side of my head and temple. I started Acupuncture and Citalopram and they eased loads. But last few days my neck has started hurting as I haven't been for acupuncture for a while, and the pain in my head has also returned.
I am like many and am paranoid about tumours and cancer and fear the worst, but is the neck pain causing the headaches or is it separate? I am worrying silly about it.
Nothing seems to ease my neck pain or head pain. Ibruprofen don't touch it. Do you think the acupuncture works and thats why its coming back cos I haven't been or are the headaches something worse going on?
Any experience or advice to help me would be great. Feeling really down and worried right now x

24-10-08, 16:29

I would think since the accupuncture helped get rid of the pain stopping the accupuncture was maybe a mistake. Stress and anxiety can cause headaches and neck pain due to tension. I think if the accupuncture helped you are lucky. I myself have been thinking of doing accunpuncture for chronic pain. Go back and have the accupuncture, I think it will help you and you sealed the deal on me getting some too.

Best wishes,


24-10-08, 17:35

I get the neck pain & this if it gets bad enough will cause head pains. I got told that the more your neck muscles become inflamed the muscles over the scalp are linked and clench up also constricting blood flow & causing this neuralgia type pain.
The best bet for your neck pain is quit the PC, use radian b rub & ibuprofen regularly.

It worked for me xx

26-10-08, 10:23
Lately I've been having these neuralgia type pains as well,and of course I automatically thought brain tumour or aneurysm. I did go to my doctor last week though, and he did a neurological exam and he prescribed me Amitriptyline to help ease the neck and head pains. I am to see my physiotherapist from last year too. The doctor seems to think I'm getting nerve problems in my neck and head from too much strain and also because I have Bruxism (only the clenching kind).

If the acupuncture seemed to help,maybe you should consider going back? Or maybe you should go see a physio ? Ever since starting the Amitriptyline last week, I'm beginning to not feel the head pains as bad (or rather, they don't come at all seconds of the day as before). If your pains don't get better within a week, you should definitely visit your doctor so they can help you get rid of these awful pains. Nobody deserves to have their quality of life suffer because of these pains!

Hi all
I have suffered with neck probs for a while and also had bad headaches down the side of my head and temple. I started Acupuncture and Citalopram and they eased loads. But last few days my neck has started hurting as I haven't been for acupuncture for a while, and the pain in my head has also returned.
I am like many and am paranoid about tumours and cancer and fear the worst, but is the neck pain causing the headaches or is it separate? I am worrying silly about it.
Nothing seems to ease my neck pain or head pain. Ibruprofen don't touch it. Do you think the acupuncture works and thats why its coming back cos I haven't been or are the headaches something worse going on?
Any experience or advice to help me would be great. Feeling really down and worried right now x

27-10-08, 18:28
Thanks for your replies and help, I am using Tiger Balm on my neck and pain killers to help my head and I am going to try get in for more acupuncture, physio didn't help at all.
I cannot quit sitting at the PC, although it may not help I know!

28-10-08, 18:38
I've been sleeping without my pillow for a week cuz my neck feels tense and sore...and today i Got a headache too...you don't have a brain tumour though, so dont even go there...headaches aren't a common symptom of brain tumours actually from what ive read.

continue on with the acupuncture.