View Full Version : i still can't convince myself!

23-10-08, 20:54
hi to all:) ive just recently found this web site and its great. well im 39 years old and got my first panic attack 9 years ago. i had no idea what had happened, but i knew that it was the most frightening thing that had ever happened to me. i have swallowed more xanax and prozac than i care to remember. i guess the main problem i have is that even after many and i mean many medical tests (all of which came back clear) i still can't convince myself that the cause of my panic attacks are not physical. what starts an attack for me is that i get what i can only describe as a jolt or a little jump to the centre of the chest. it isn't painfull and its not like a palp but more of a jolting sensation, and if i get a few of them together,it throws me into a full blowen panic attack. the weird thing is that this can happen if im pushing myself physically, but also if im slouched on the soafa in front of the tv, but it never seems to happen when im lieing in the bed.you would think after all the heart and blood tests ive had done not to mention the fact that i have seen 2 general practioners, and also quite a few different psychologists (all of which told me that it was all anxiety realated) i would be convinced.

23-10-08, 21:38
i've had anxiety/pannic for 13 years now and lately i aint to convinced myself either, thing is for the past 2-3 years i had totally accepted my anxiety and knew my symptoms were directly because of it and hey presto hardly any panic attacks, got myself really stressed out and worked up with health anxiety over the past few months and hey presto im having regular panic attacks again.

i strongly belive acceptance is the key just keep telling yourself over and over you've had and feel all these pains/feelings before and nothing bads come of it before and never will.

you wanna laugh ? i've had appendicitis for 11 years now :blush:

not really its just IBS but everytime i get it i freak for a second then tell myself i've had it loads of times and it aint hospitalised me yet then im ok :yesyes: .

24-10-08, 00:14
I know exactly how you feel. I get the sort of "jolt" sensation.. feels like all of a sudden my heart suddenly shifts a metre to the other side of my body, and then it begins beating around 150bpm

I begged the doctor to do ECG's and I even told him to check my potassium. He did it just to put my mind at ease and they were normal.

In fact, during my ECG when I thought i was panicking i actually only had a heart rate of 59 bpm

I dont think "anything" will ever convince us.. i think the only time we will be convinced is when we convince ourselves.. and that, well that takes time, and sometimes professional help.

Dont be scared, you are fine. Keep telling yourself that.

24-10-08, 00:55
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

24-10-08, 21:58
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
25-10-08, 20:15
wishing u a warm welcome to nmp

love from milly xxx

26-10-08, 01:15
Hi Panelman,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much help & information here.

Best wishes :D

26-10-08, 15:19
hi all. i just wanted to say thanks for the replies and welcomes. since ive found this site ive spent alot of time just reading the many different posts which i am finding very helpfull on my way to (dare i say my 100% and imminent recovery) and also as i regain some of my self confidence perhaps i might be of some help to others by posting some of my experiences of my anxiety over the years. many thanks again from panelman A.K.A. henry