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24-10-08, 01:36
"Gradual Acceptance".

I was thinking this evening about when we injure ourselves and how the graze takes time to heal.

Sometimes through life something traumatic will suddenly happen that will shatter our confidence and sometimes the process takes years of mistreatment or a build up of events before our branches suddenly snap.

When it happens though it comes as a shock because we don't know what's happened to create the symptoms we're suddenly experiencing. We become impatient wanting to be "as we used to be". We can't accept that we can't do things as before. This lack of patience then creates frustration and irritability which then compounds our stress that first caused our symptoms. It feeds our anxiety increasing panicky feelings or panic attacks. We refuse to accept how we are now so try to fight these feelings which then creates tension so we keep feeling more frustrated and defeated.

An injury takes time to heal so we need to accept this but like adding a dressing, we also need to work on it to help it "gradually" heal. For instance, one day all of a sudden you start experiencing panic attacks but you don't know why. All you do know is that you want to be able to do what you used to so you become impatient to be as you were before. You create more tension for yourself which then increases the anxiety which feeds the symptoms.

However, it's not the places where the attacks occur that need treating because the causes are much deeper and hidden. For instance, you could be under extreme stress at work or suffered a series of upsetting events so that maybe your lifestyle needs changing or you need to learn to come to terms with your past. Whichever though, takes time.

When these things happen we create large barriers which can't be broken down overnight. We need to learn How to break them down which will involve "gradually accepting" our fears and not tensing up by resisting through frustration and being impatient or it'll take a lot longer to heal.:hugs:

Veronica H
24-10-08, 09:48
How true Bill. Great post.


24-10-08, 11:09
Couldn't agree more Veronica H - fabulous post Bill - thanks for the inspiration.

24-10-08, 12:58
Great post Bill and so very true gradual acceptance is the way forward but it took me a long time to see this.

Good to see you posting your words of wisdom again Bill


24-10-08, 15:54
i agree bill very good post
love debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: