View Full Version : Poll: what proportion of our waking thoughts are about illness?

24-10-08, 09:59
I'm currently on about 90%. Which is very sad!

24-10-08, 10:06
90% for me too :weep: its not fair


24-10-08, 10:34
Same here...!

What lifes we all live compared to someone without anxiety.

24-10-08, 11:03
Me too 90% :weep:

26-10-08, 00:36
it depends! When I am having a great time and feeling good, less than 10%. When I have drunk too much and am feeling miserable, about 70%! I have beenin a situation for about six months where it was 99% of the time. The other 1% I was asleep!

26-10-08, 14:11
It would be nice to actually be able to moniter how much of the day we take up with anxiety. I wonder what I used to think about!

26-10-08, 15:01
Even i get bored listening to my self. "i have this = it might be...."
It is such a constant merry-go-round.
I know i should think better thoughts - but it is not very easy to do.
80-90% i worry about everything.....

29-12-08, 19:46
This is an eye opener poll. Well done. Im sitting here worrying again, about my glands. Frustrating ARGH!!

30-12-08, 03:17
This is my first post, just found this site tonight as I sit here thinking my throat is closing up. I've been sick with a sinus infection, ear infection, and now my throat is sore and has a lump. I know I need to just get over it and realize this happens to people all the time but it is very hard for me to do that. Glad to find others who are in this with me!

30-12-08, 21:08
i am about 50% but goes to 100% after about 10 minuites

31-12-08, 11:44
Sadly for me between 70-90%

07-01-09, 13:47
Certainly feels like 90%. I've got to the stage where I can be thinking about it WHILE thinking about something else AND talking about a third thing to somebody. Then, just when I've got myself distracted and am sitting reading the paper with a cup of tea, up pops an article about some bunch of doctors warning about the link between tea, a sedentary lifestyle, newsprint rubbing off on your fingers and cancer of the big toe. And I'm off again on the high wire of self-examination.

I just wish I could use this remarkable mental agility for something pleasant, useful, creative, worthwhile.

12-01-09, 05:34
Had to go for less than 10%. I don't suffer HA, so don't think too much about illness. If the question was how much of my time is spent beating myself up about why I seem to get little done in a lot of time and most of the time feeling sorry for myself, then the answer would be different.


12-01-09, 05:49
unfortunately mine is 90%,,,it might be more since sometimes i wake up panicing so maybe i think about it in my sleep too,,,maybe:mad: I don't know but i can't wait till my average is 5% instead,,,Thats my goal:yesyes:
Gotta have a goal right?

13-01-09, 13:47
About 90% unfortunately.

13-01-09, 13:56

I'm 70 - 90 though probably more at the top end of that bracket and more sometimes:weep: . It's awful and now I'm pregnant it seems to be 110% of the time. Hopefully one day it'll be the baby's health I am preoccupeid with NOT my own.

05-02-09, 11:11
I posted in this poll last October and i am sad to say - nothing has changed- i am still afraid - of 'something' all the time.:weep:
Even now I am extremely giddy / nauseous / i feel as if something 'slipped' out of place, just under my ribs on the right side.:ohmy: Nothing painful Just an odd sensation:weep:
Kind of "here we go again" and to make matters worse i can't get to the doctor the snow is very slippy and i am scared of falling:weep: :mad: :weep:

27-02-09, 22:39
Over 90% for me. It's constantly on my mind. Even if I'm doing/thinking about something else, like someone else said, the anxiety will still be there. I think my mind has convinced me I've got about five different types of cancer today! It's horrible, absolutely horrible.

28-02-09, 00:26
Well over the past few days I'd say almost definately above 90%.

But when I aint feeling too mad mentally, it is very rare for me to think about illness.

19-04-09, 00:44
At this moment in time i would say 90% and yet Friday it would have 30% i'm hoping that tomorrow will be 10%....but that's another dream!:blush:

08-05-09, 04:00
The first three hours of my day are the best of the day. I never think about it when I awake (oh please don't start now I've said that:weep: )

My worst is evening & early hours of the morning before I sleep.
