View Full Version : high anxiety

agent orange
24-10-08, 10:35
Are there others that suffer from high anxiety or who at least have anxiety long term and suffer from these awful symptoms; achey legs, neck, shoulders, backs of legs and stiffness, with nausea, belching, balance problems and internal/external shakes? If you have these symptoms, are they long term? Mine have felt like this for two years and more. I thought I had m.s, but after a clinical check up and an mri told that it was all negative. The neurologist put it down to anxiety. What I really want to know is this; can anxiety symptoms persist 24/7 ? or am I barking up the wrong tree. My symptoms persist with thoughts patterns that I cannot break and therefore I feel ill with these symptoms. Does anyone else experience similiar things?
I have been diagnosed as a hypochondriac with undifferentiated somatoform disorder(check prevous thread), and that basically means I appear to have a physical problem but on diagnoses there is nothing wrong. I would appreciate any other peoples thoughts.


24-10-08, 17:04
Hi Tony

Yes I suffered from high anxiety earlier in the year and the only way I conquered it was not to try and get better.

:You wont get better untill you stop trying to get better:

This may seem ridiculous but it works because you actually take the tension out of your central nervous system. I think it took about two months to settle and since then I do get anxiety but not 24/7. It is probably the thought patterns that are winding the anxiety so accept that you have anxiety and calm down and let time heal those frayed nerves.

You will then find that the sensations diminish considerably over time and sometimes change but as you feel easier you will find interests in other things and your mind should start to heal. You will get setbacks but dont dwell on them and continue forward. Our biggest problem is our over active imagination so find a hobby and put your imagination into that instead.
I hope that this is helpfull

24-10-08, 18:13
Hi Tony

I also suffer with high anxiety 24/7 and now i am also depressed because of it. It is hard i suffer with the same symptoms as you too. Im on meds but they are knocking me around something rotten.

I hope you get through this. I understand and totally know how you feel.

Your not alone.

Take care


24-10-08, 19:23
Hi Tony

I logged on to the site as suffer High anxiety,and was going to post till I read your post, and lo exactly the same.I also find that if i can distract it will be better for a little while, but always comes back, but on reading other replies maybe the answer is not to fight and do the very british stiff upper lip and battle on through, if you have tried all else then maybe give accepting a go, I certainly am.I truly hope it works for you as tis really miserable living with it 24/7, have a big hug.


eternally optimistic
24-10-08, 19:30
Hi Tony

The physical symptoms you talk about I had had for years and years until I went on a low dose of citalopram.

I didnt realise that being tired and hurting all the time was a problem until one day I noticed I didnt feel like that any more. I was also always going down with something.. I felt rough all the time.

Since being on the medication, it feels like it has rested by body and given the chance to get back to where I was before.

I think the constant tiredness is very underestimated and almost sounds insignificant, but it can really dominate your life.

Hope you feel better soon.

agent orange
31-10-08, 10:08
Thanks for your replies-much appreciated. I am now going to book a massage and I am now being refered for C.A.T therapy. I find it vey hard to relax, but thanks for the post - big hugs..


anx mum
31-10-08, 13:01
hi tony im bev i also im suffering from severe anxiety. with physical symptoms. abit different to yours. i know how scared u feel. if u wanna talk sometime

31-10-08, 13:39
Hi Tony

Yes I suffered from high anxiety earlier in the year and the only way I conquered it was not to try and get better.

:You wont get better untill you stop trying to get better:

This may seem ridiculous but it works because you actually take the tension out of your central nervous system. I think it took about two months to settle and since then I do get anxiety but not 24/7. It is probably the thought patterns that are winding the anxiety so accept that you have anxiety and calm down and let time heal those frayed nerves.

You will then find that the sensations diminish considerably over time and sometimes change but as you feel easier you will find interests in other things and your mind should start to heal. You will get setbacks but dont dwell on them and continue forward. Our biggest problem is our over active imagination so find a hobby and put your imagination into that instead.
I hope that this is helpfull

Um I have to agree to the stop trying to fight the Anxiety, take the rest you need,

31-10-08, 14:49
:weep: :weep: this whole thread could have been writen by me:blush:
I suffer the same high anxiety, aches, pains and fears and I also know what I should do i.e stop worrying about it all :ohmy:
I do try but oh my it seems such a long slog - one step forward and two steps back:blush:
:hugs: :hugs:
to evryone
have to keep trying :yesyes:

31-10-08, 22:07
just recently i have been very anxious and getting pains where never knew you could get them and very irritable and snappy and easil wound up just want to sit in my chair and be quiet or sleep cant be bothered to talk but then cant stop bouncing leg or fidgeting and acid indegestion bad at the moment so you are not alone

agent orange
01-11-08, 15:41
We all seem to be in the same boat. At present the backs of my legs really ache and I just want to get off the merry go round, if this makes sense. I would reccomend a massage, but my muscles ache, but then if you have years of tenseness, then I shouldn't be surprised, should I?
Thanks for the posts.