View Full Version : Newbie...slightly nervous...!!

24-10-08, 11:41
Hi everyone,

My name is Cheryl and I'm new to this forum (obviously!). I stumbled across it searching on the web for information on adult separation anxiety and it seems like a great place. I'm a little nervous so please be gentle with me! I haven't discussed my anxiety with many people but it's separation anxiety that is affecting me greatly right now (I'm 22) and it's getting hard to cope with.

Anyway, I look forward to reading some threads and hopefully being brave enough to participate!


24-10-08, 11:48
Hi Cheryl

Welcome to No More Panic. You have come to the right place.


24-10-08, 12:49
Thank you, I hope to be able to talk to people about my problems and also help others too of course :)

24-10-08, 12:51
Hi and Welcome to NMP :)

If it's problems you have , then this is defo the right place :P look forward to chatting :)

milly jones
24-10-08, 12:54
welcome to nmp hunny

love from milly xxxx

24-10-08, 16:06
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

24-10-08, 17:57
Thank you for the welcomes, you're all lovely!! :)

24-10-08, 22:08
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x