View Full Version : poisoned?

24-10-08, 14:32
when i went in the kitchen this morning i noticed i left a gas hob on slightly - it doesnt smell but im worried i have poisoned myself and will keel over soon

24-10-08, 14:43
No, you won't keel over..promise. :)

I am forever doing this, sometimes when I close my oven door after lighting it, the draught causes the gas to go out but I have never had any ill effects.
Just open your windows a bit to let some fresh air in and to reassure yourself that the gas has gone. :)

24-10-08, 14:49
thanks sp much lady bird - it must have been on all night without the flame - i have a headache and worried it is to do with that xx

24-10-08, 14:53
when i went in the kitchen this morning i noticed i left a gas hob on slightly - it doesnt smell but im worried i have poisoned myself and will keel over soon

Well as it is about 2.30pm and you first smelled the gas this morning I think you're OK.:D

24-10-08, 18:22
thanks trixie x

26-10-08, 07:33
hi im a gas eng u will be fine

26-10-08, 14:18
I may be wrong but is natural gas not safe if it leaks? The only danger is from explosion or carbon monoxide which only occurs when the fumes of the burnt gas come back into the room. When I was younger people used to commit suicide by putting their heads in the gas oven but no-one does that any more because the gas wont poison you (sorry a bit of a distastful subject)