View Full Version : Tips needed for recovery

24-10-08, 15:45
I have been suffering for the last three months with anxiety and panic, lost a lot of weight and muscle tone (I was always on the go) and wondered if anyone has any tips on how to get back into doing tings without tiring yourself out?
I have a really good day, think I am better and crack on with the housework or whatever only to find I will suffer for it later on or the next day.
Any advice would be gratefully accepted.

24-10-08, 16:07
Anna as you've realised already you need to pace yourself with physical exertion and only you know how much is too much.

What about also coming at this from another angle and looking at the nutrition side of things - do you think you are getting a balanced diet, could you do with some extra vits, that sort of thing and are you getting a decent nights kip???

Have you had a good read of the Home pages too specially the First Steps pages as there is lots of good info on there.

Love Piglet :flowers:

24-10-08, 21:00

You need to take small steps at a time. Set yourself little goals each day that you want to acheive and try and stick by them even if you feel anxious.
Its not going to fade just like that unfortunatly. I at times feel 100% for a couple of days, then all of a sudden i can become a real mess but i have learnt to cope alot better now and stick with it. You do need to push yourself abit when you feel the symptoms coming on, but not to much. You also need to accept that your body and mind needs time to recover too, which may mean you need to slow down abit in your life.

All the best
