View Full Version : Please help

24-10-08, 17:11

let me tell you my story!! i have this mole on my back it is about 6-7mm in size (with ragged edges and a slight raised area in the middle). i as far as i am aware have always had this mole. (ie i did not look in the mirror and think thats changed). My boyfriend of 9 years said that its always been there and has not got any bigger! i get him to check my moles every week! however my friend has just been diagnosed with Melanoma. i am now affraid to go to the doctors because i have had it for so long and it has bound to have spread. i have googled the this and appear to have all the sings of melanoma. what can i do! i this is so bad i cant stop crying!!

milly jones
24-10-08, 17:16
if it were me hunny id get it checked out

i had a mole that was changing and it turned out to be a benign lump, but im grateful that it was checked

milly xxxxxxxxxxxx

24-10-08, 17:20
Thank you for replying but i think it has gone far! i know i need to get it checked but the whole ordeal makes me ill!! i know what to do for the best but i dont find it that easy x

24-10-08, 17:20
hi george, first of all no googling! its awful. I went through a skin cancer fear a while back turns out its was just a harmless mole that i wasted 2 weeks of my life worrying about. From my obsessive googling i have found that Skin Cancer is very quick meaning it changes within weeks. So if you have had it for years espcially 9 its unlikely to be skin cancer. Also surely if its on your back its covered up most of the time? I have a mole on my boob :blush: and the doc said its always covered up so not to worry. The only way i got over my obession was to see the doc and he said it was fine. If your really worried its a little pricy but worth it in my opinion is to go to the mole clinic http://www.themoleclinic.co.uk/

PM me any time - dont worry

24-10-08, 17:36
hello george,

If it hasn't changed in the nine years since your boyfriend has noticed it, and as far as you know it has always been there, the chances of it being anything nasty is extremely unlikely. Moles do come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes, and some of them do have raggy edges and are raised but it doesn't automatically mean that they are malignant. If you develop a new mole, or an existing one starts to change then it is best to keep an eye on it, and have it checked out. I am sure you don't have a thing to worry about ( I know that won't stop you worrying). I have been down this route myself - really difficult trying to look at them with mirrors. Please trust your boyfriend, and if he has been checking your moles regularly, and hasn't noticed any change, it is so very very unlikely to be anything to cause you concern. You are getting wound up because your friend has just been diagnosed. I was exactly the same when my friend was first diagnosed with breast cancer. Don't google it always ends in disaster!!

24-10-08, 17:43

Thank you i must put more trust in others like my boyfriend. i will keep an eye on it over the next few weeks and the slightest change i will go straight to the doctors x

24-10-08, 17:46
Well done george - that is a great way to deal with it. Your boyfriend isn't going to take silly risks with you and your health. I am certain you won't see any changes in two weeks, especially since it hasn't changed in all the time your boyfriend has been checking it out.:hugs:

24-10-08, 17:52
yes he has a lot to deal with over last few month i have had all sorts of illnesses. i think he get a little fed up of me asking if things have changed. i have a ruler on hand at all times!

24-10-08, 17:56
I.m just the same. Crazy isn't it. Thank goodness a site like this exists.

24-10-08, 17:58
It is probably fine but there is no harm in getting it checked out and perhaps removed if it is catching on your clothes.:)

24-10-08, 18:03
oh but there is harm in getting it checked out like! maybe not coping with the outcome. (however i do know your right) it isnt irritating me its just knowing that its there is annoying me and proberbly my boyfriend x