View Full Version : Purple Veins in Arm Panic

24-10-08, 21:39
Hi there,

I am posting on behalf of my wife who has suffered with anxiety attacks since she was 7, weve been together for 9 years and weve coped. But with health anxiety its difficult to reassure her, especially with me not having a medical background, and not knowing for sure, even after searching symptoms for information.

I found this site after once again googling for some symptoms, and I hope you can help me to explain or reassure her.

Today underneath the top of her right arm, her veins have come up really deep purple, the other arm you cant see the veins, just in this one.
She says it doesn't hurt, but shes also got a small spot under her armpit, which she doesn't know if its related to, its like a spot before it comes out.
She's worried the spot could be cancer and her veins have come up as a symptom of this.

I dont know if anyones got any advice or know of anything else it could be, but any help would be appreciated.

Thank you


Cathy V
24-10-08, 21:48
Hi Ben, well i would definately tell her not to worry about the viens. To be honest, prominent veins are are sign of good health, as its a sign of an increased blood flow (you see alot of fit people who exercise regularly with veins that stand out) the fact that they can only be seen in this way could be because she is right-handed, and this is her stronger side, the arm/hand she uses more. The spot has no connection so please tell her not to worry. Some days you can see the veins and maybe some days you cant. Its nothing serious honestly.

Hope this helps
Best wishes
Cathy xxx :)

24-10-08, 21:48
If anyone has an infection that has spread to the blood then you get a thin red line following the vein. I have seen this with my own eyes when my son got an absess in his foot that spread to his blood and he had the thin red line from the part of foot affected all the way up to his knee. He spent a week in hospital!
So this doesn't sound like your wife at all. Does the vein start from the lump your wife has under her arm??? If she is not in any pain then infection is very very unlikely.
I would say watch and wait. If she gets pain or throbbing or the area looks read and inflamed or the blue vein changes to a thin red line then get medical attention quickly.
Sorry i cannot tell you more as to what it can be - someone else may have had this and can be more helpful.

24-10-08, 22:06
Thanks for your replies :)

No the veins dont start from the lump they start about 2 inches away. I didnt think it was anything related. With it not hurting her, I thought it best to wait and see, she did get a bit worse when she thought it was spreding, but I suggested marking the ends of the veins to tell if it does spread, and that eased her mind a little. Thank you for your kind words Cathy & Country Girl


14-06-16, 22:12
How did you wife turn out? Was everything okay?? I'm dealing with something similar.. The veins in my right bicep area are really blue and visible. I'm scared and reading these threads have helped me feel less alone but no one posts how things ended up.

14-06-16, 22:16
Hi Saavy,

The threads your replying on are quite old. It's been years since the OPs have been on the forum. One would have to assume they're doing just fine :)

Positive thoughts

14-06-16, 22:33
Yeah I know they are pretty old but instead of posting anything myself I was reading through other threads.. I was just hoping maybe the original poster would happen to go online or see it and reply. Probably won't have any luck but it was worth the try I thought. I also didn't realize some of them haven't been online since the date they posted.. /:

And yeah I thought the same.. They're old so they must have turned out fine but.. Still curious.