View Full Version : hello

24-10-08, 22:58
Hello everyone
ive had anxiety and Panic Attacks most of my life and i am now 28. Ive tried everything counsler, therapists, going in to hospital, you name it ive tried it. Ive joint no more panic as my last resort im hoping talking to people who know what im going through will help. My anxiety is mainly driving my fear is im going to faint or loose control. I dont want to commit suicide or kill myself but sometimes i feel out of control and i worry i will do something to myself that i have no control over. If anyone has any advice for me please let me know as i am desperate.

24-10-08, 23:29
Hi and welcome. :)

It sounds like you have really had a rough time but I'm sure you will get support from people here.
I think the fear of losing control is probably one of the scariest things that can happen to anybody and when it strikes it can really make you feel desperate. You've said that you're not suicidal which I'm really glad to hear, but what is it that you're afraid might happen if you do lose control?
Don't forget to have a look around the forum, you will see that there are many others who feel the same way, you're definitely not alone.

Veronica H
25-10-08, 14:42
:welcome: Bunny. you will find lots of support here.


25-10-08, 17:07
Hey Hun :welcome: to nmp...you will find loads of people on this site that suffer the same as you do..we all suffer with one thing linking to another..this site has helped me alot on my road to recovery im sure it will do the same for u..by the way i have the same fear of fainting hun..feel free to pm me anytime xxx:bighug1:

26-10-08, 15:07
dont feel alone we are all here to help and this site in brilliant i too have felt very very low and saw no way out but i got thru it u can too