View Full Version : I need help.. very long post.

25-10-08, 00:27
Forgive me for the long post, but I have nowhere else to turn. Discussion forums are my last hope for trying to find ideas to rid myself of this. I am going to share some very personal thoughts and feelings here. I believe that the human spirit is inherently positive, and that I have nothing to fear from doing so.

I have found that nobody around me understands even slightly what I have been going through, and maybe now that I have found a forum dedicated to this, maybe somebody knows some way to stop what has been happening to me.

I have symptoms of panic attacks, only for me, they are not attacks, they are 100% constant. They don't come and go, let up at all, respond to any physical or mental stimulus, or change in any way.

I am 24 years old. In November of 2006, I had my first panic attack, and like many people, I raced to the ER, convinced that I was dying. When they told me everything was normal, I was relieved and tried to go back to my daily routines.

Gradually, in time, I developed lingering chest pains and shortness of breath. The pain would come and go, and the shortness of breath is best described as an inability to take a deep breath or get enough air. I went to my primary doctor finally, who took some tests and again told me that nothing was wrong.

I chalked it up to allergies and resolved to continue with my life as best I could. The symptoms gradually became worse, finally forcing me out of work a few months ago. I figured I needed some time to rest, and so I did my best to take it easy at home.

The symptoms continued getting worse, and new ones developed, such as difficulty maintaining my balance, dizziness, nausea, loss of equilibrium, chest pressure, and this massive feeling of constant dread that something was seriously wrong with me.

For the last several weeks now, things have progressed even further. I now have constant tingling and dread, constant violent chest pains, rapid heartbeats, constant violent fears of what is happening to me, shaking, blurred vision, cognitive problems, and immense difficulty completing even simple tasks.

These do not let up or become better at any point in time, and the only time I sleep is when I lose consciousness from sheer exhaustion, only to wake up a mere hour or two later in a cold sweat to have it all begin again. I haven't eaten in a week, and my throat is parched, despite trying to drink as much as I can.

Finally, yesterday night I went to the ER, because I was having the worst pain that I had ever felt, all over my chest, and I was having wild flickering blackouts. They took an ECG, a chest X-ray, and a blood test, and told me that other than vitamin deficiency from not having eaten recently, I was perfectly healthy.

They gave me Valium and Ativan. It didn't do anything. They increased the dosage of the Valium and Ativan and it still didn't do anything. They called in a therapist to talk to me while I was there, and nothing he tried did anything.
They ran some more tests and could find absolutely nothing wrong with me, so they diagnosed me with panic and anxiety disorder and discharged me, without relieving any of the symptoms.

Even though they have said nothing is wrong with me, no amount of trying to convince myself of that is working. I sit and tell myself that I am completely normal, that I was examined in an ER and they found that I was healthy, but the symptoms get worse.

I try breathing into a paper bag, and every form of trick and cognitive cue that I have found on the internet, and nothing works. There is no action that I am able to take to improve my condition in the slightest. I no longer even have the strength to go outside, my legs wobble when I stand, and trying to type this is difficult with my fingers shaking.

I have had a prescription for Xanax, which I have been taking, and it does absolutely no good.

Having not worked for several months, I no longer have enough money to see anymore doctors or therapists, nor the money to get anymore medication.

I am not suicidal. I enjoyed life before this all began, and I don't understand why this is happening.

I am desperate for any relief from this nightmare. I was a strong person before this began, but weeks and even months of this constant agony will drive even the strongest to their knees, and I find myself frequently bursting into fits of crying, and lashing out at my mother, whom I now live with again because of financial reasons.

The following is a journal entry which I typed during an especially bad period earlier today, it contains the thoughts that have been going through my mind, as well as my best descriptions of what has been happening to me.

October 24, 2008 - 12:45PM

There is chest pain, pressure, tightness, burning sensations, tingling in all of your extremities. Your vision goes dim, and may flicker uncontrollably. You get an immense, incalculable sense of dread, as though you may suddenly die at any moment. Then it becomes difficult to move, to formulate words, or to think.

Every time you try to speak, it takes an incredible effort, and you strain your eyes, forcing them open, because all you can think is that the second you let them close, you will die. Every inch of your body screams out to you that something is horrifically wrong.

There is of course an underlying fear that remains throughout all of these situations, and it's one that I'm told is exacerbated by anxiety and panic attacks. What if the doctors missed something? I believe that I do have anxiety and panic attacks, but what of the possibility that the symptoms are brought on by an actual problem that's being missed among the anxiety? Logically, I have read about and I know that this is a common fear among people who suffer from anxiety, that regardless of what the doctors have found out, something must still be horribly wrong for you to be feeling this way.

Which brings to mind another issue... the most frightening of all.
When I start looking at anxiety and panic attacks from a reasonable, analytical standpoint, it becomes terrifying.

I don't hold the ultimate control here. I never decided that I should have these symptoms, anxiety issues, panic attacks, whatever they are. This is my brain that is doing all of this to me. The part of the brain that I have no access to. If the doctors say that I am perfectly normal, and that it's my brain causing the problems, if it has the capability to cause massive physical symptoms at this level in an otherwise normal indvidiual, what's to prevent it from shutting me down entirely?

As I progress in writing this entry, it's becoming worse still. The pressure and pain is worse, along with the tingling in my arms. I can take no action to prevent it, other than to sit here and hope that it goes away. I know that it won't, because I have tried this many times before. It never goes away.

Closing my eyes and trying to meditate makes it worse. Trying to focus my mind on anything but the symptoms is impossible. Convincing myself that it's my mind, that it's all panic attacks and that I am fine does absolutely nothing, because I already know that it's a panic attack. Knowing does not alleviate the symptoms.

I'm trying that positive affirmation thing. Saying out loud, "I'm healthy. This is not dangerous to me, I have nothing to fear. I am okay. I am fine." This makes it worse, as I do it, I realize that I am talking to myself, and that talking to oneself is the first sign of madness. Perhaps I am insane.

I'm jittery and shaky once again, and afraid of repeating the pain that happened yesterday. All I do now is sit and wonder what happened to me. How did it come to this? All of my life, I have been able to face any challenges that I've run into because I've had my health. That was the thing in my life that I have always fallen back on. Now, not only do I not have my health, but it was stripped from me in a gruesome manner.

I feel completely and utterly helpless to stop any of these symptoms. Pain pills do not work, sedatives do not work, antihistamines do not work. Xanax does not work. I've tried all of these. My brain is capable of overriding any common medication.

I had been shaking my foot like crazy for the past few minutes. I just now noticed it. Apparently I have been for awhile, since when I finally stopped it, it was tingling from exertion. As it stops tingling the other symptoms increase again.

I can feel a pulsing in my chest, which radiates tingling sensations throughout my entire body, when they fade, the pain intensifies again, this time worse than before. It has gotten to the point where, if I can't feel my heart pounding in my chest, the split second that I realize it makes me believe that my heart has stopped entirely. As that realization hits me, my breath catches in my throat for a long moment, as I frantically press my palms against my breast to make sure that my heart hasn't stopped. My brain has perverted me into believing that a rapid, palpitating heartbeat is normal, and that a calm, unassuming heartbeat is dangerous. How did it do this?

When I unfocus my thoughts, being unable to feel my heartbeat in my chest is profoundly disturbing to me. For some reason it is terrifying. There is a dull heat, or at least the sensation of a dull heat spreading across my body. This is now happening repeatedly.

I know that my heart has not stopped. I am typing right now that I know this, however, my brain is still making me believe that it has, over and over again. How do I fight against this?

The journal entry ends there, as I could no longer type at that point. I sat curled up in the chair crying for 2 hours after that, before I could recover myself enough to look out on the internet for help.

If anyone knows of a way to help me, please respond. I am desperate.

[URL="http://www.panicsurvivor.com/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=66&func=view&id=12271&catid=16"] (http://www.panicsurvivor.com/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=66&func=view&id=12271&catid=16)

25-10-08, 00:43
I don't know what to say to you but you are obviously going through difficult times. I suffer from panic attacks and some of the symptons you are describing i have too. I find the more i try not to worry or be anixious the worse they get.Noone understands unless they are going through it.

I just want to send you some big hugs:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:
Hope this makes you feel slightly better and know that there are people out there who understand.:bighug1: :bighug1:

25-10-08, 00:55
Wow. You are definately deserving of a turn-around, and quick.

I'm not going to reply with any advice at all, just a boatload of support and well wishes.

I wish I could take some of it from you for an hour or two, and you better believe that I would . . . just to give you a much-deserved peace and rest, if only temporary.

It is an absolute CRIME that you are not getting better and more focused medical care . . . other than a diagnosis and sent on your way.

My best to you, and I'm not much of a religous man, but I will definately say a prayer for you. Maybe since I don't ask for much to begin with, my prayer will have a better chance to be granted.

I wish you very restful peace from this.

25-10-08, 00:55
Oh my I dont k now what words I could possibly type to help you because when you are in this state nothing anyone says is true. Ive felt the eneormous feelings your feeling so many times before so I really do feel for you.

Im not proud of saying what made me a little bit better, as I would like to say I did it all myself but duloxetine 60mg helped me.... also,(sounds crazy this next bit) but at the peak of my breakdown my crush asked me out, and although we only went for a drive, I had something massive to look forward to.

I dont know what to suggest when it c omes to your medication, Im sorry to hear you cannot afford it, but maybe if you cant afford to keep taking our medicine then the withdrawal symptoms wont be helping you.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

You will not die.

I promise you that. Well, no I dont promise because you will in years and years to come, but at the moment, no , your not dying. Your brain has forgotton how to think rationally and cognitive behavioural classes could help to train your brain out of these irrational thought.

I really hope all this calms down for you soon, I cant think of how drained you must feel. Stay strong and im always here to help


25-10-08, 03:01
:welcome: Sekujon, to NMP you will get alot of help here from a lovely set of people. I will apologise now for this long post and will try to help you if I can.

I know exactly how you are feeling as I have experienced all those horrible symptoms that you have described and a few more. BELIEVE me when I tell you that they are ALL caused by a hormone called ADRENALINE and it is a very powerful hormone. Which means that every symptom you feel no matter how frightening or horrible it is, it is a NORMAL bodily function and NO NORMAL bodily function leads to death or disease.

Anxiety DOES NOT lead to heart attacks, strokes or insanity, it just makes you feel very uncomfortable. Anxiety attacks are NO more dangerous than dropping marshmallows on your bare feet.

I will try to explain why you seem to be in a constant panic attack even though adrenaline only lasts for 10 mins. Try to imagine someone stood behind you with a water gun full of adrenaline.

You have an anxiety attack.....adrenaline floods the body...you immediatley experience the symptoms: dry mouth, heart racing, tightness in the chest etc.
You become frightened....
You think.....OH MY GOD...I can't breathe/What is wrong with my heart? etc.. (Squirt adrenaline)
You gasp for breath.....You think....I'm not getting any air.....
(Squirt adrenaline)
and so the process goes on and with each squirt comes the symptoms.

Each symptom that you have described is as your doctors have told you. An anxiety symptom, HONESTLY they HAVE NOT MISSED anything that is wrong with you.

What has helped me:
I try to say STOP to myself everytime my thoughts start to run away with me.
Relaxation techniques: Breathe all the way out, then breathe in slowly through your nose, hold for count of 4, purse your lips and breathe out through your mouth.
Listen to relaxation tapes/music.
Exercise: This is important as it burns off adrenaline and also desensitizes you to racing heart/fast breathing etc.
It is hard, but, try not to avoid facing your fear.

The three things that have helped me the most:
Joining this site
Reading, Self help for your nerves by Claire Weeks
Reading, Freedom From Fear overcoming Anxiety, Phobias and Panic by Howard Liebgold M.D. (I am currently doing his course and getting better every day)

I hope some of this has helped you. Sorry it is soooo long.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to you.

'Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

25-10-08, 10:42
Thank you, everyone, for your replies. It's at least a little bit reassuring knowing that I am not completely alone.

I find that my mind is completely losing its grip on reality. Earlier, I saw a fly in the kitchen, and the first thing I thought about was that there must be fly eggs somewhere, and that pretty soon, the house would be infested with flies. As soon as I had that thought, all my symptoms got way worse, and I had to crawl back into bed. The thing is, I know that's a ridiculous thought to have, and even if it were true, I am not afraid of insects and certainly not flies, so I can't figure out why it affected me so much.

It's like my subconscious mind has just completely taken over my body, and no matter how much I try to reason anything out, it has no effect whatsoever. It almost feels like I've been possessed, or that I'm a prisoner in my own body.

I forced myself outside to get the mail, and I almost tripped and fell because my legs were wobbling, so now I'm reluctant to stand and move around.

None of this makes any sense to me, because I have never been a scared person. I never used to worry, or have any sorts of fears or anxiety over anything. In fact, I used to tell people that I didn't understand stress, because I had never experienced it, and then suddenly this all just hit me out of the blue.

The thing that I am most afraid of is, everything that I have read about panic attacks says that they are triggered by specific thoughts, and typically last for 30-60 minutes, with rare cases lasting as long as a day. Maybe in these instances, they are not an actual physical threat.

But what happens when you have all of this adrenaline coursing through your body for weeks or even months without a single moment of relief? Is there a point where the tension becomes too much and simply overloads your ability to continue living?

I am still mentally sound, in terms of my ability to think and logically reason things out. But if this keeps up, what if it wears me down until I really DO become insane?

I don't know what to do.

Veronica H
25-10-08, 11:48
Hi Sekujon
this is a behavioural illness not a mental one. Your thoughts become feelings. Have you read a book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' ?published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. This is available from the NMP Shop. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded free to your MP3 from the NMP Shop too. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.

25-10-08, 16:57
hi have you tried breathing when it gets bad breath in counting to 5 breathing out counting to eleven, it will help in time keep telling your self im ok im ok walk away from what worries you try to clear your mind i was told to think of white paper lay there and keep thinking of white paper it did help. are you on any tablets to help calm you down im on 5mg of diazepan 3 times a day they really help me calm down i didnt want to take them at first but they worked rite away for me. i worry about worrying all the time i get upset stomach carnt eat some days i clean my house like mad scared of dirt, but the past couple of weeks since the tablets and drinking pepermint tea breathing to calm me down has really helped me also lavender helps to relax you can get the oil a couple of sniffs helps or the jos sticks i really hope you will be ok i no you will.keep telling your self this carnt hurt me i need to stay calm thats the key staying calm easier said thatn done but you will get there keep in contact lets us know how your doing all the best take care x