View Full Version : someone please help me!!

25-10-08, 03:20
hi my name is angela

im not suffering from anxiety but my husband is and i really need some help on how to help him!!!

please dont ignore me xx

25-10-08, 03:25
there is a chat room if you pop in some time i sure people will be able to help you .. wish him better from me

25-10-08, 03:31
thats all i want right now but as i have only just registered im not allowed to go into chat! but thanks very muchly xx

25-10-08, 03:32
Hi Angela

We won't ignore you hun:)

Welcome to nmp. I'm glad to see that you are trying to get help for your hubby. Does he have anxiety & panic attacks? How bad are they?

There is so much information on this site for help, but we can also try & help you.

If you look under main menu, you will find all kinds of information & many many millions of posts on anxiety & panic.

How long has been suffering & does he take meds or see a counsillor? (sp)

We are all very friendly here as we all know what this disorder is like. Trying to get your husband help is great.

I don't know what it's like to be with someone who suffers, I only know the suffering part, which is a crippling disorder.

Please tell us how we can help?



25-10-08, 03:44
hi elspeth

i dont quite know what to write cos i feel really pathetic even doin this, by the way this is all while he's soundly sleeping!!

its all come on so suddenly for me, i knew he had anxiety issues but its become literally life crippling in the space of a week and we are doing everything we know to do to deal with it but i think i maybe being selfish and looking for some help myself and i dont think its out there?!

im so messed up myself but im not if you know what i mean?!

i just dont know how to say it but i cant say it to him cos he's the one that needs help and im trying so hard to give it to him but its soul destroying!!

god im sorry maybe im on the wrong site being too selfish


25-10-08, 03:56
Hey hun

You both need help, him more than you, but you need to know what you can do for him. You can help him Angela but he must do most of it himself unfortunately.

You must feel helpless, but there is help out there & on here. Has he got to the stage where he cannot go out? How bad is it? Did you look on the forum?

Sorry you can't get into the chat room yet. I'm so glad you are seeking help for your hubby, shows how much you care, but you also have to take care of yourself too. You're not being selfish Angela, you're being a kind wife.

Maybe you feel stressed about it all & think that as your hubby is suffering that you cannot complain as well. Well you can complain all you want on here:) We will try & guide you thu it hun, stick with it, ok?

25-10-08, 04:04

he is seeking help but its hindered by his maleness!!!

i have looked all over the net and im so suprised at how un supported this issue is!! if i or he was anorexic it would be easy lol!!

im sorry bad humour i know but its the only way i know how!

i know im on the wrong site and it should be him doing this because youre all going through it not me but i know he wont do this and im so scared.

he wont let me tell anyone and i understand that but i dont think he realises how alone that makes me.

he doesnt have a prob going out, when i met him i knew that certain situations were a prob for instance we've never been to the cinema, but in the last week this has spiralled to him having attacks at home.

today we went to the docs for him to have and ECG cos he felt it would reassure him but it was against docs recommendation, and guess what .... cos he had attack it was inconclusive which has just made things worse!!!

im so sorry to winge on at you all but i want honest opinions on how to help him!!


25-10-08, 04:18
Hey hun

I've just sent you a pm, ok.

Yes you are right about little help for us. But the principals to get over anxiety & panic are mostly the same............acceptance! Very hard to do though.

I know that you feel alone as hubby doesnt want you to tell anyone, but now you have like 5,000+ people here who you can talk to about it.

I'm sorry to have to tell you but there is no ONE way of getting better, if I could wave a magic wand, I would.

I also can't tell you really how you can help him as I personally haven't had anyone stick around long enuff to help me.

There are only a few people on here at the moment, but 2moro there will be loads & you will get lots more answers, many things that I cant think of at the moment. Maybe even hubbys or wives of people who suffer.

Sorry I cant be of more help to you, I know that you are desperate.


25-10-08, 04:29
you've been great hun!! just having someone acknowledge me is massive right now!!

thanks for the PM's too, im really rusty with tinternet but think im gettin it again lol

put it this way, you may get sick of me, but im gonna be here for as long as it takes, whether he likes it or not but we gotta find a way to sort this, i know there's a way but i may need your'e help finding a way to tell him that!!

thanks again

you've given me light!!


25-10-08, 04:37
Yep you will find a way, sounds like you are very determined, that will get you everywhere.

Glad you're gonna stick around & I don't mind having my ears bent either, lol. But I won't get sick of you, I promise.

You'll get there, especially with your determination:)

Take care,


25-10-08, 13:06
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

25-10-08, 13:45
Hi angelica

I know it is scarey right now but you hace to try to remain calm you say this has been crippling for a week. Thats a short span of time for anxiety disorders although I know it must feel so long to you. Your role right now is to be a listening board and to reassure. What hubby is going through is NOT life threatening just scarey as hell.
I would also advise that as delicately as possible you encourage your hubby to get to the docs to discuss this. You mention going for an ecg did the doctor prescribe anything to calm your husband down?
Just jump right into the forum and youll get loads of responses of help and advice.#
Keep talking on here if we can help you calm down so you can support your hubby THAT IS ALSO WHAT THE SITE IS FOR. its not just about those that have anxiety but for their partners too.

Pooh x

milly jones
25-10-08, 20:13
wishing u a warm welcome to nmp

love from milly xxx