View Full Version : Worried about cancer :(

25-10-08, 03:27
Hi all.

I started feeling achy like I was coming down with something about 3 or 4 weeks ago. Then I developed a swollen lymph node in the left side of my neck. The achiness and would come and go...but I would never actually get sick. At times it felt like my lungs were "full" but I had no cough or any other symptom.

Then about a week ago my kids came down with a cold and I followed suit. Only they were over theirs in two days and mine lingered for days. Mine got so bad that it was really hard to breathe one night (lungs, not nose) and I was scared. I was finally able to start coughing productively after a few days, but before that it was really scary. I was so sore from all the coughing and my chest really hurt from all the gunk in it. There was a day or two in there where I swear I could taste blood when I coughed. My hubby says it's from coughing so hard and irritating things, but I started thinking about cancer or Tuberculosis or something.

So I've been better and well for a few days now ecxept for the lingering cough that we all still have (you know the one that follows a cold for like 3 weeks lol). But today I noticed I was feeling achy again, like I was coming down with something...and then my left neck lymph node is swollen again! The lymph node had actually gone down before I actually came down with the cold.

So now I'm scared. Maybe I feel so achy and my lymph node is swollen because I have cancer. And it was so hard for me to fight off the infection compared to the rest of my family because I have cancer.

Logic tells me that I am pregnant and have been under stress so my immune system is down...but I'm not very logical when it comes to my health. The other thing that is worrying me is that since I've been sick (maybe before, I don't remember) my tongue has been swollen. It's swollen and hurts along the side. I read in a book that is a sign of ill health (whatever the ill health problem may be) and I'm so worried that my body is just weakened by cancer.

I just want to feel better so I can stop worrying!! :weep:

25-10-08, 18:37
Kimmiepie, it's so hard when your hormones are all over the place, I have had this same swollen gland thing and totally freaked out and the tongue thing is my old friend from way back when I first got my 'health anxiety' about 8 years ago! The gland thing lasted about 6 months and my doc said that sometimes they can stay swollen for years but it is no harm at all, the tongue thing comes and goes with me, sometimes when I am really stressing about something elase I look back on it fondly and think 'oh if only I could have the tongue thing back instead of ( insert this week's health issue) I would be fine . Yeah right !!!! Please try not worry too much, easier said I know.