View Full Version : how do you stop the constant thoughts ?

25-10-08, 09:36
Hiya folks hope you are all well.

as some know I have constant anxiety and have started going out and about again and back at work ....
.......but how on earth do you stop the constant negative thoughts .....I m constantly battling with my thoughts etc i always get anxious and sayI cant do it I cant cope I'll faint ,I'll panic ......I picture myself having a panic and visualize everything......then say 2 myself no you will be ok you can do it ,butwithin minutes there back again ......Im soooooooooo mentally tired with all this ........

Help and tips any1 please x


Big hugs xxxxxx:hugs:

25-10-08, 12:54
Helllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooo yooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo any1 there haha:roflmao: xxxxxxxxxxx

Tina A
25-10-08, 13:06
Hi Titchjd, Sorry you are having such a hard time at the moment. I don't really have any advice for you as I'm there with you myself at the moment - but you have done so well getting back to work and everything, so I think when you are having the negative thoughts, try not to visualise the panic, instead remember how far you have come, and what you have achieved already. Hopefully this will give you a boost to be able to put the negative thoughts aside and carry on.

Hugs and Best Wishes to you


25-10-08, 13:09
hello :)

Thought i'd reply because i posted a thread yesterday and didn't get one reply so deleted it and felt awful.

Can't give you any anwsers really because i'm exactly the same, i'm in awful torment with these thoughts, i'm starting a group shortly which i hope will help, if i get some positive tips etc i shall let you know

In the meantime i'm thinking of you and know exactly what your going through.:hugs:

Tina A
25-10-08, 13:10
Sorry, also meant to say, have you seen Dusty's post (today) on Negative thoughts - that seems to have some really relevant and good advice and tips that might help you too..... :yesyes:

Take Care


25-10-08, 13:14
Thanx xxxxxx
Yeah I posted on Dustys its an old post but I searched forum for negative thoughts and that came up.

Nanny so sorry u didnt get an answer 2 yr post ...what was it about hun can I help ?

Hugs 2 u both and thanx xxxxxxxx:hugs:

25-10-08, 13:26
Hi Again

It's just that i'm starting a 6 week group for anxiety etc and it's based on CBT, i just wondered what i could expect really because they say they give you tasks and have to do a lot of writing etc , so i'm going in blind so to speak and wondered if anyone could tell me whats what!

Thank you for asking:)

25-10-08, 13:43
Hiya m8 ..
Im on my 2nd week of a group therapy session 2 help with anxiety ..its 2hrs 4 6weeks .

Well on mine there isnt a lot of writing ..the 1st week was introduction so a few forms 2 fill out ..then the 2nd week was all about why we have anxiety and what anxiety is then ended with a relaxation exersise .......we havent had tasks as such they just tell you 2 practice the relazation and you have abooklet that tells you 2 write whats positive about yourself......next week is about thoughts so Im lookingforward 2 that 1.

Thats what has happened with mine anyway hun so I wouldnt get anxious about it even though i was 1 st week haha .

When is yr 1st session ?

Im off 2 work now hun but PM me anytym u need 2 ok x

big big hugs
Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

25-10-08, 13:46
Thanks for info, my first one is on 11th nov so a couple of weeks yet, it isn't worrying me bout the writing etc i just wondered if we had to write all our thoughts down.

Will let you know how i get on, thanks for the offer of a p.m should i need you.:hugs:

Pink Panic
25-10-08, 14:32

OK ladies i'm going to try to hep you on this one if i can but it's not easy to explain so please bear with me. I'm on my 10th session of one to one CBT.

Sorry i never replied to your post yesterday Nanny .... i must have missed it.
I know the awful feeling when you post and then no one responds and like you i have deleted posts in the past.

From what i understand the theory is to identify the negative thought and then challenge it and ask yourself if this thought is reasonable. Sometimes asking a partner of friend in questioning a negative thought can be helpful too.

The technique of challenging requires you to recognize a worrying thought and ask yourself "is this a realistic worry?" .... if it isn't a realistic concern you need to replace it with a constructive statement. We can very easily get caught up in a cycle of worry and increasing anxiety which then sets off our symptoms. Challenging is a way of breaking into the cycle.
It's not always easy to recognize worrying thoughts and images but with practice you do become better at identifying what's going through your mind.

This makes sense to me and i hope it it is of some help.

A great book that my therapist recommended is Overcoming Anxiety (A self help guide using Cognitive Behavioural techniques) by Helen Kennerley.
Along side the Dr Weekes books this has been one of the best books on the subject i have read.

Please PM if you think i can help you any further and wishing you all the best with your CBT. :yesyes: :hugs:


26-10-08, 10:21

Thank you so very much for your reply, it has given me an insight as to what to expect. I'm up for the challenge because i really want to get rid of these negative thoughts, they rule my life!

Thanks also for recommending the books, i never think to get books on the subject and i am an avid reader.

You have taken time to write a lot down and have helped me a great deal, i really do apppreciate that.

Thanks a million:hugs:

26-10-08, 10:27
From what I gather its the anxiety that causes the thoughts deall with theanxiety and the thoughts go. Easy said Eh!:bighug1:

Pink Panic
26-10-08, 12:45
Hi Nanny

Glad to have been of help. I could have went on and on about my experience of CBT but didn't want to bore you. I'm sure it will be a great help to you and i'd be really happy to hear from you once you get started to see how it's going.

Please PM me if i can help you any further.


Bumbles - If you challenge negative thoughts your fears begin to subside..... hence less anxiety. It's not easy but it can be done.
Yes, it's easy said eh! .... i'm really trying to stick with and i can see the benefit but it's hard going at times.
Wishing you well.


26-10-08, 14:17
Thanx 4 yr post on my thread .....I have had CBt and Im still having it ......even though I know what Im ment 2 do I find it very hard 2 stop the thoughts and mad things going round my head .......I know it will take time cus Ive spent so long being quite negative ....dont like my appearance,dont like my weight etc etc ......so until I feel confident in my self the negative thoughts come quick and easy .

i have done thoughts sheet from councillor but it never sinks in .....I write it down I understand it but then next thing my thoughts are racing .

Hope you understand this haha its a bit of a ramble lol

Hope u are well
Titch xxxxxxxx

26-10-08, 14:37
Hi Titch,

I think we all suffer from a lack of self confidence at times but from the replies you have posted to others you are a kind, thoughtful and compassionate person.

I have found that by replying to others I have started to think more positively mainly because my friends will tell me to apply my advice to myself as it is good advice; the same can be said for the advice and support that you give to others.

I now try to distance myself from situations that I am in and think what would I say to some one else this was happening to? It tends to put things into perspective. Doesn't work all the time but could be worth a try?


26-10-08, 14:39
Titch, I have been told that the only way to stop these (awful) negative thoughts is ..........."to think of something else"............
I find it very hard to believe that a CBT therapist can make such a statement = do they think i have NOT tried to change my (awful) thoughts??

On the other hand = It is quite easy to sit and tell some one what they AUGHT to do ( i can do that, I know a lot of the answers ) its ME that can't DO IT, I can't make my brain believe what I am telling it.
Hope you got some sense out of that
Best wishes

26-10-08, 15:44
Thank you Lynann and June ..

I also can give advice and know sooo much about my condition but just cant seem 2 apply it 2 myself ..WHY ???

Thanx Lynn for saying Im kind etc I do try and be helpfull and would do anything for anybody but I just cant do it for myself ..prob becus i dont think Im worth it if that makes sense x

hugs 2 u both :hugs: xxxxxxxx

Pink Panic
26-10-08, 16:22
Thanx 4 yr post on my thread .....I have had CBt and Im still having it ......even though I know what Im ment 2 do I find it very hard 2 stop the thoughts and mad things going round my head .......I know it will take time cus Ive spent so long being quite negative ....dont like my appearance,dont like my weight etc etc ......so until I feel confident in my self the negative thoughts come quick and easy .

i have done thoughts sheet from councillor but it never sinks in .....I write it down I understand it but then next thing my thoughts are racing .

Hope you understand this haha its a bit of a ramble lol

Hope u are well
Titch xxxxxxxx

No probs Titch :hugs:

I understand what you are saying exactly hun.
I'm still a work in progress with CBT and prob will be for quite a while ..... maybe forever.
Give yourself some more time and get some more sessions under your belt and you may find things are improving for you.

Hope you are having a good Sunday.


26-10-08, 19:23
I have done CBT a lot in the past, I found it never helped me filling in these sheets but unfortunately I never got to do more than 4 weeks of it:weep:

Keep going hun:hugs:

27-10-08, 10:00
Hi All

Thats whats worrying me, i have only a 6 week course and can't see what that short amount of time will do for me!

When i think a negative thought i can think of a positive one also but does it work, does it heck:blush:

Honestly, i want to get better but will this do it?

27-10-08, 10:07
Hiya nanny ..

I understand what you are saying ...you have 2 go there with a positive way of thinking ..saying this will help .....what I have found along the way is that I have picked up different tips from different counselling that helps me control my anxiety but not my thoughts yet ....but 2morrow is my group session looking at our thoughts so If I get any gud tips I will post it on here 4 every1 x

hugs Titch xxxxxxxxxxx

27-10-08, 10:07

I am afraid I think it is a case of not stopping the thoughts but realising they are just thoughts. Well done for what you have achieved so far.


27-10-08, 13:17
Hi Titch
I shall look out for your post.

Michelle, i think you are right, but why can't we control these thoughts? just goes to show how powerful the mind is and what sort of hold it has over us:lac:

27-10-08, 13:22
Hi there apparantley you welcome the thoughts, and the very fact that you have them and they upset you is why there is no danger in them. Just say thanks fo r the thought and move on or say to the thought that the best you can do over and over will lessan thier affect. Simple yes easy no!:bighug1:

27-10-08, 13:46
Oh bumbles if only it were that easy.

Take this scenario, i have to do shopping on a friday, if hubby were coming i wouldn't care what time i went or how long it took, but because he's working and i have to get it on my own i have got it in to my head that i have to be there and done and home by 10, now don't ask me why!!
so i get up at 5.30 get myself ready do housework and out the door at 8, now all i have to do is just one week say to myself i will go when i am ready, i have got all day, BUT I CAN'T DO IT!!!!
if that isn't B****Y stupid then i don't know what is.

And there are many of those sort of things i do.

I really am at the end of my tether with all this i really am.

27-10-08, 15:26
Hi Nanny I soooo understand and its sooo frustrating ....

I know people say accapt the thoughts but when mine race through my hed at 100mph and about 10 at a time its so hard .
I have been in many situations like that nanny when I plan 2 do something and tell myself just this once and like u say get up early etc but then when it comes 2 it my head is just so full of negative thoughts I just cant do it xxxx


Hugs 2 u nanny x

27-10-08, 15:31
Thanks for your support titch, i just hope that one day i'll get to where i want to be............... will let you know how things go after my first session, thats a couple of weeks away yet though

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: hugs for you for being there.

27-10-08, 15:34
Hi Nanny ...anytym hun I know how hard it is so Im always here 4 u x

I will see what my group work is like 2 moz and wil def let you know xxxxxxxxx
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-10-08, 16:59
Hiya folks ....
went 2 my counselling 2 day and after my thong saga (see seperate thread)
It was interesting ...Its nothing I havent heard before but it seemed 2 sink in a little bit 2day .

Telling me that as soon as I feel 1st sign of anxiety thats when 2 nip it in the bud very hard work they said but will become a habit after a while like its a habit for me 2 panic now .

They gave us a form 2 bring home 2 challenge thoughts etc ......and told us 2 carry cue cards with us so when we start 2 feel anxious we can look at them which distracts your mind from negativity and on 2 positivity .

The relaxation was Bensons relaxation where you pick a word that makes you feel relaxed ..eg peace calm and u breathe in and on breathe out u say the word (in yr head) and u do this for 5-10 mins .eventually yr mind will react 2 that word after a lot of practice x...It didnt work 4 me 2 day but I was ver anxious 2 day and had so much going round my head I couldnt concentrate ...Iwas thinking about what I was doing 4 dinner haha rather than concentrating on the word lolxxx

well thats it really so I will be practising my positive thinking etc and let u know how it helps sat when I have 2 go 2 Hen night xxxxxxxx

Hugs every1 xxxxxxx:hugs:

29-10-08, 08:46
Hi Titch

Thanks for the info, i've heard it's hard work !!!!!!!

I really am a bit sceptical about this stuff, so i'm looking out for your posts to see how it's going.

Dreading mine, i don't want to go really, but if i want to get better i'll have too.

Good Luck