View Full Version : why cant i deal with it again

25-10-08, 10:43
my anxiety has come back pretty badly, been having panic attacks and over breathing again everyday for the past couple of weeks and gradually getting worse over the past few days, now i know all my symptoms are due to anxiety and i dont think im physicly ill or anything im just fearing the fear again, i've had panic attacks for 13 years and the past couple of years have been pretty good any PA's i've had haven't scared me that much and i've got over them pretty quickly, so why are they scaring me so much again NOW !!!! (its the over breathing that bothers me the most)

if anyones got any good tips for dealing with the fear of the fear and help with the overbreathing i'd be most greatfull :yesyes:

25-10-08, 10:53

I can relate to this

Iv been doing so well the past few months, despite having alot of things to deal with, but past few days the anxiety and panic is coming back and im so scared.

Like u, its fearing the fear.

I feel so spaced out today and unreal.

have u had any cbt councelling. im waiting for this but could take months

mandie x

25-10-08, 11:02
went to the doctor the other day and she said she'll sort out some cbt for me and write to let me know when so im just waiting to hear on that.

admitedly i got some news that scared the hell outta me last night so thats why i feel bad today, i can normally cope with stuff and ignore the panic but just cant seem to do that at the mo, so yeah hopefully cbt will help, what exactly happens with cbt what do they do ?????

25-10-08, 11:15

CBT aims to help you to change the way that you think, feel and behave. It is used as a treatment for various mental health and physical problems

CBT tends to deal with the 'here and now' - how your current thoughts and behaviours are affecting you now. It recognises that events in your past have shaped the way that you currently think and behave. In particular, thought patterns and behaviours learned in childhood, However, CBT does not dwell on the past, but aims to find solutions to how to change your current thoughts and behaviours so that you can function better in the future.

CBT is also different to counselling which is meant to be non-directive, empathic and supportive. Although the CBT therapist will offer support and empathy, the therapy has a structure, is problem-focused and practical.

Just wish my appt would hurry up coz i feel like im never gonna get better

mandie x

Veronica H
25-10-08, 11:35
hi Robbs, Mandie
I could have written this myself. I have been doing really well with Dr weekes but a few unexpected problems came up which distracted me from the main task and have sensitised my nerves again. I had just started the free online cbt course -living life to the full, run through the NHS, which I would recommend to you both, while you wait for appointments etc. There is no fear like this when you are in the middle of it, and I am trying to stay positive. I am also making myself eat, go tthe shops etc so that my world doesnot close in again. I know that Dr Weekes advice really works it is just that I have not been following it and got into the worry and 'what if' cycle again. This setback will pass. Best wishes Guys.


25-10-08, 12:17
Hi Veronica

thanks i will try the online cbt

i have a Dr Weekes book but it doesnt work for me, even though so many people recommend it.

i make myself do everthing thing i normally do even though going to a supermarket fills me with dread.

love mandie x

Pink Panic
25-10-08, 14:39

I have had 10 sessions of CBT so far and was recommended to read "Overcoming Anxiety" (A self help guide using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques) by Helen Kennerley and have found it to be a real help.


25-10-08, 20:01

A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that develops for no apparent reason and that triggers severe physical reactions. Panic attacks can be very frightening. When panic attacks occur, you might think you're losing control, having a heart attack or even dying.

Panic attacks were once dismissed as nerves or stress, but they're now recognized as a real medical condition. Although panic attacks can significantly affect your quality of life, treatment — including medications, psychotherapy and relaxation techniques to help prevent or control panic attacks — is very effective.

yes thank you very much glad you cleared that up for me as i wasn't sure what they were lol :rolleyes:

cheers everyone else hopefully the cbt will help or if its a long waiting time for it i hopefully would've sorted myself by then :yesyes:

27-10-08, 21:04
Yikes, I could have written some of this myself... I feel just the same way. The making lots of progress and actually feeling good about myself for the first time in a LONG time, and then it sort of comes crashing about your ears and you wonder whether you can crawl out of it this time around...

I suppose we all do, and the one thing we have to do is stay as positive as we possibly can because it always gets better.

Does anyone have the website address for the free CBT? I'd really appreciate it!

Veronica H
28-10-08, 08:54
Hi Orangeblossom
The website is www.livinglifetothefull.com (http://www.livinglifetothefull.com).

Best wishes

28-10-08, 09:03
I feel exactly the same way too. I have been coing well with loads for 11 years Divorce, runnung business, 2 children through Uni New relationship Loss of income Etc all life painswith the odd panic attack, why then does one suddenly get one panic that you attach danger too and away you go on a viscous cycle of panic and anxiety. I know you have to keep practising and I think I had let down my gaurd because I had been so good and did not recognise depression coming back. Then my partner is losiong his job and wham! here we go. On the way back up I hope

31-10-08, 09:29
Hi ive been on citlopram on and off for six years after having my second son i had depression and panic attacks , I got over the worse and felt i could cope on the medication but the last six months I can feel it creeping back , Its so hard to deal with because no one understands my family just say its all in my head , I constantly think there is something wrong with me my neck or my ears, or my heart , Its so hard trying to get through the day, but been on here helps to know other people are going through the same thing xx

anx mum
31-10-08, 13:12
hi im bev. u sound exactly like me. i am suffering with severe anxiety and its my breathing that scares me the most. do u get a suffocatting feeling at all?

01-11-08, 17:09
oh i get lots of feelings !!! sometimes its just blantetly breathing fast, some times feels like im breathing at the right speed but its laboured and hard work, short of breath and others feels like the air im breathing is really warm which feels weird, past few days i've been over breathing continiously and been really dizzy/head rushes etc felt like i was gonna pass out, forced myself to go down town yesterday buy the time i walked from the car park to the bank i was hyperventalating badly, played a game on my phone whilst in the Q and started to feel better, made myself walk around for a bit then by the time i got home i felt loads better, also feel ok today as well so hopefully on the up and if not i'll battle on till i am.

anx mum
01-11-08, 18:13
sorry just found it. Im overbreathing too sometimes i get a suffocatting feeling. Breathing feels shallow yet fast

13-11-08, 11:24
Can completely relate.

I was completely panic free for 3 years then after a period of serious stress at work and home it just came back and knocked me on my behind, and with different fears and different symptoms from before.

I used to be afraid I was going mad, now I'm afraid of having a heart attack. It's not that you can't cope, you're still around so you can cope! And set backs can only mean one thing: progress! Even if, at times, you're taking two sets forward and one step back, you're still making progress. Never forget how far you've come, and never falter in your belief that you can be panic-free again!