View Full Version : just me saying hello

25-10-08, 11:06
Hi there
Thought I had better introduce myself
I’m veronica and 50 but a the moment feel 100 I have agoraphobia, panic attacks and scared of being alone :weep: I’m trying to get the help but having to fight all the way its as if no one believes me even the doctor was horrible the last time I went:weep: .I have a appointment to see a mental health worker but when I phone to say I couldn’t get there they said that they might not be able to come to my home.
My daughter (who is 30 ) and granddaughter have been staying with me but she’s had enough and every day I don’t know whether today is the day she is going to leave me :weep: I feel so scared but also I am scared of upsetting her as I know she will just walk out on me .
Sorry I’m sat here crying :weep: as she’s gone out and I don’t know when she will be back
I just need support and understanding.
Thank you all for the hugs
Love Ronnie (vitbee)

25-10-08, 11:16
i dont think it matters what age you are we all experience these dark thoughts that cause us a whole host of anxietys and physical symptoms that go with it . i ve had anxiety for years and have had enough of feeling that way and feel so pleased to realise im not the only one out there who does, so glad to have found this site because i feel talking is a perfect tonic for helping us to take control of our lives back. x:yesyes:

25-10-08, 11:18
Hi Ronnie ..
Sorry 2 hear you are feeling so bad ....I myself have been like you and are still having bad days but there is help out there and definately on this forum .

How long have u suffered with agro and PAs ....do you go anywhere or are you housbound ?
I had the same prob when I had beakdown in June ..no 1 would come 2 my home so I had 2 force myself 2 go 2 the docs with my mom (im 35 ) as an emergency appointment .........it was from then I got counselling and CBT .

Have you ever had any counselling before ?
There are some books by Claire weekes that you could read that will help you understand your anxiety etc .

Hope you are ok and keep in touch

big hugs
Titchjd xxxxxxx:hugs:

Veronica H
25-10-08, 11:20
Hi and :welcome: I am also veronica and I am 49. Glad that you have found us, you will find support and comfort here.

25-10-08, 13:05
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

25-10-08, 13:46
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

25-10-08, 18:41
Welcome, I am so sorry to hear of your problems. There will be a lot of people here who feel similar so don't be afraid to ask for help :hugs:

milly jones
25-10-08, 20:06
wishing u a warm welcome to nmp

love from milly xxx

25-10-08, 20:09
Hiya Ronnie and welcome :)

26-10-08, 11:57
Hi there,
Thank you everyone for answering my post I haven’t had counselling before but had someone come out to me about 12 years ago I went to a day centre for a few months then thy closed it down I have had agro/pa and depression for a very long time (30 years on and off) but was able to cope with it .it was made worse my a ex boyfriend who used to take great pleasure in frightening me in the car 90mph on duel carriage way laughing I was stronger then and managed to throw him out and move on but about 4 years ago I got sunstroke and fainted in my own home and its just got worse and worse till I can no longer go anywhere on my own and hate the thought of my daughter going back to her own flat when I told doc this he just told me off and said I was ruining her life.
This is just the outline of things there is so much more but I just don’t know how to put it in to words
Hugs ronnie