View Full Version : ALCOHOL

25-10-08, 13:11
Hi all,

As some of you will know ive had a few bad weeks with losing my mum and everything. Anyway my friend asked me to go out last night and i did........but i got quite drunk and today am not feeling great. Whats worryin me is that ive been sick a few times and noticed some blood in it bright reddish never had this before and im really worried is it serious ...... i know i shouldnt drink as the next day my HA is through the roof youd think id learn can anyone give me advice as im so worried bout this xx

Cathy V
25-10-08, 13:14
Kitty, it could be just the straining while you're being sick, might have burst a tiny blood vessel or something. Im sure its nothing to worry about, but if you're still being sick and bringing up blood by this evening i would try and see a doc.

Take it easy anyway
Cathy xxx

25-10-08, 15:43
Are you sure its blood or something that you may have drunk last night.
If you are sure it is blood i would go and see someone.Its probably nothing to worry about.

On the brighter side...did you have a good time?:yesyes:

25-10-08, 22:10
I'd get myself off to the doctor - always best to get something like blood in your vomit checked out. It's most likely to be a burst blood vessel in your oesophagus from straining to vomit, as Cathy V said. But best to get it checked. Be kind to yourself :hugs: .