View Full Version : Just don't know anymore

Master D
25-10-08, 19:36
Sorry it's kind of a long story:

It all started around the final week of June I started getting headaches like crazy and I was wondering why anyway a few days go by and I was in my first period class in school when all of a sudden I got a really bad headache. I got real scared and got dizzy so I asked my teacher if I could go to the school nurse. When I went there the found my blood pressure to be real high so I got sent home and was real nervous cause my right side of my head was still throbbing and I was getting real scared I thought I was about to have some kind of stroke or something because things like that run in my family. That same day I went to see my doctor and she ran tests on my chest and my heart got blood and gave a urine sample. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and told me to lose weight cause I had a BMI of 44 (its 42 now) and I am Obese I always knew I was fat but never thought I was obese so she gave me some Metoprolol and sent me off my way.
Now I was real nervious and scared everyday thinking am I gonna get a stroke or a heart attack am I gonna live or die.anyway I went back to my Doctors and also prescribed me with some HCTZ and I felt even worse and had even more thoughts.
The 24 of June came along and my grandma died and I was real upset about it but wasnt really crying or mopeing like everyone else I was fine anyway that passed and we skip ahead to July where my mom went to the doctors room with me for my appointment and told the doctor how I was depressed and how I am always mopeing around seeming sad and pacing around on the floor all the time which to me I dont think I was depressed but anyway I paid little mind to it so my doc presribed me Fluxotine a low dosage and now im taking that along with my 2 other meds.
Skip ahead to August and I go to the Emergency room cause I got scared and had a massive chest pain and thought I was close to getting a heart attack. They found nothing wrong with me. Now its the end of August and I was talking with my folks one night about my problems how I felt and all that stuff. They told me that it has to be anxiety and I seemed to accept that since that same day I was home from school and I found a website call www.emedtv.com (http://www.emedtv.com) and all the symptoms of it was what I had. I told my Doc if it was possible about if anxiety could cause High Blood Pressure and she said yes so I asked a few questions and also asked if she can refer me to a therepist and she also prescrbed me Lorazepan.
Now were in the middle of September I had my first blown Panic Attack it happened in Algebra I was crying and I asked my teacher if I could go to my Crisis Counsoler she let me go. When I talked to him I told him what was going on and how I was slippping on my grades and just had no control over my mind or anything and felt like I was going crazy. I also had alot of shortness of breath and felt alot worse and everyday I would feel tired and dizzy and all I ever wanted to do was sleep.
Finally October came and now my tiredness has gone away (on some days) and theres even some days where I feel 100% healthy and other days I would worry and feel sick again every moring I would feel like I have a fever. This was actually the monthe where I found this website and has helped me big time with a few things I also went to go see my theripist and still talk to my crisis counsoler from time to time. now this week I got another appointment with my therepist and my doc the day after.

So thats pretty much it thats my story I am suffering big time now I'm still suffering with chestpains, headaches (once in a while now) my throat hurts and bothers me I get dizzy and I have shortness of breath sometimes I even am on a diet and excerise once in a while but I do get sharp pains sometimes when I do but I know it cant be to serious cause I had a 24hr montor strapped to me for my heart and I took a stress test in August and they were all fine.

I also sometimes think I'm gonna die and all kinds of stupid thought I already know that all this is in my head but its like my thoughts overpower me and I lose control. I even have questions too like if I really lose weight could I be better and also can obesity really cause anxiety.

Oh well my thread is getting too long so I should pretty much stop now I just dont know whatelse to do now I'm so scared and confused.

Thanks for reading and replies would be much appreciated.:)

25-10-08, 19:52
Hey hun :welcome: to nmp... the thoughts are anxiety and they are what feed your anxiety because as soon as you get a symptom you worry and worry and worry etc.. the thoughts are normal though.. its probably the most common symptom with anxiety and you can learn to control them simply by concentrating on something else..im sorry to hear about your loss must of been a tough time for all the family..this site has helped me alot on my road to recovery and im sure it will do the same for you hun, everyone is so understanding and no one judges you, because they know exactly how it feels..feel free to pm me anytime hun.xx:bighug1:

25-10-08, 20:52
hello master d as titch said welcome to nmp ......

i avent been here long myself but its helped me knowin im not alone with this anx pa and what i think are crazy thoughts,i also found the symptoms page down the left hand side of here really helpful and the recover stories too ..

take care post when u need too were all here for each other

take care cax xxxxx

26-10-08, 14:23
Sorry to hear that you are having a rough time right now. Please rest assured that your doctor is right about anxiety. It has so many symptoms that it feels like you will never get better. You will though. I am living proof that it can be done. I suffered for a long time. I also had shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches that were out of control. I was off balance alot and that scared me more that anything. It can get better for you. I had to learn how to face my anxiety and not run from it, by doing that I was able to lose the fear of the symptoms that would come. I finally realized that anything that hit wasnt going to kill me. I had to learn how to realx and breath the right way. I now how hard it is when you lose someoneclose to you and it feels like the world is going to turn upside down, that can make your anxiety go crazy. If your meds are working for you keep taking them. If you can get some books on anxiety from the library get those, they help. Being overweight wont cause your anxiety, I was overweight too, I lost 72 pounds during this time. Take care of yourself and remember to breath the right way. Write me if I can help. You can beat this.

27-10-08, 05:31
Hi D

Welcome to NMP, I hope that you find the site as useful as I have :).

Have you had a chance to talk things over with anyone, such as a counsellor or therapist? I know that your doctor has prescribed you an antidepressant (Fluoxetine) and a sedative (Lorazepam), but did he or she speak to you about any "talking" therapies? I do sometimes feel that doctors have a tendancy to throw drugs at those of us with depression and/or anxiety... When my doctor prescribed me Lorazepam she said that a good way to think about it was just to carry it around with me and only use it if I really felt that I needed it. She said that sometimes just knowing it was there might be enough to stop a panic attack and she has been proved absolutely right. Which just goes to show how powerful our own minds can be.

As others have suggested, doing some reading on anxiety might help you understand what is going on and suggest some paths to managing your anxiety. Many recommend Claire Weekes' Self Help For Your Nerves (Hope and Help for Your Nerves in the US). Good luck, and let us know how you get on if you decide to stick around on the site :).

27-10-08, 08:22

sending you lots of hugs sweetheart you don't mention your age but mention school so you must be very young, this is a horrible thing for anyone to be going through but for a young person it must be 10 x worse, hope things start looking up for you soon, I am thinking of you.

Lots of Love


PS don't be afraid to post on here with anything at all that is worrying you, even if it seems downright strange and bizarre there is always someone who can offer a bit of advice and comfort which can help a lot

Master D
28-10-08, 02:03
Thank you all with the comments im getting so far its nice to know that there are others going through this and with all of our experiances we are helping one another. Sounding like a broken record again its just I know all this is anxiety but just real hard to deal with it when im getting chest pains and headaches especially when strokes do run in my family kinda a scary thought but yeah It will take me awhile to get over it and all of u have also been extremly helpful and I will continue to go on with this site for more help and I am also gonna do some reading on anxiety and how it works.

AND ONCE AGAIN THANKS FOR THE REPLIES and more will always be appreciated and I also hope to go into your thread and see if I can give any advice too.

And P.S: I am going to see my theripist tomorrow