View Full Version : Drinking on citalopram?

25-10-08, 20:55
hi everyone

im currently taking 20mg daily of citalopram, on day 7 and feeling ok, not really had any side effects other than feeling very tired, but this could also be down to doing a 6 day working week:shrug:

im off on a night out with my friends on sat night next week and im just wondering whether to drink, have a couple or stay away from alcohol. wondering whether to call my doctor to ask? or ask in the chemist?

i guess i could always drive and then that will stop everyone i know being totally puzzled by me not drinking:wacko:

30-10-08, 15:01
It says not to drink on the leaflet, I would go on the J20s they are non alcoholic and quite pleasant.


31-10-08, 00:15
nooo don t drink it quite dangerous with citalopram

31-10-08, 00:34
I made the mistake of having a drink while on 20mg you will end up VERY ill


01-11-08, 10:10
thanks everyone:) have already arranged to drive everyone so will be on the j20s tonight:) i havent had a drink for quite a while as i think it fuels my anxiety, also ive switched to decaff coffee (which tastes exactly the same!) as i feel that caffiene was also making it worse.

ive not been on a night out before without a drink, lol!:roflmao: bout time i gave it a go!

01-11-08, 18:07
Hiya Mog

At least you will be able to spot who the good looking fellas are without the beer goggles!
I think drink fuels my anxiety as well, have a good night


03-11-08, 20:22
Hiya Mog

At least you will be able to spot who the good looking fellas are without the beer goggles!
I think drink fuels my anxiety as well, have a good night

i had a really good night in the end, and it was fantastic to wake up with no hangover! spent whole night dancing and laughing, it was great to be able to go back to being the old me for a whole night and not worrying:D

12-12-08, 19:07
Hi all
I'm looking through the posts and came across " drinking alcohol with Citalopram". I myself wondered could l have the odd glass of wine?
Quite sadly the answer is No. Citalopram apparently can affect the liver (please don't shoot the messenger, the info was from a client of mine who's a sister in a pysch ward) and for that reason, the added strain of the alcohlol on your liver makes it a no no. Kind of double trouble. I want you all to take this in perpective. It doesn't mean we're all going to have liver problems, but firing booze down our throats at the same time could cause us some health problems.

Ditsy xx:blush:

12-12-08, 20:56
I do have the ocassional (one in very 2-3 months) drink since being on Citalopram and have felt very drunk very quick. As a rule I avoid alcohol while on meds but can not see the harm in the VERY ocassional glass of wine.

12-12-08, 21:31
I just checked the nhs website and it says there should not be many side effects from drinking alcohol with these.


12-12-08, 22:16
I'm on Citalopram, and I don't drink at all. Actually, I never drank much alcohol in the past few years (maybe the very occasional glass of wine once in a blue moon).

My partner works for the police, and she would say that 95% of all calls are alcohol related. Also, her dad was an alcoholic; she found him dead at home last year, after his liver gave him blood poisening during the evening.

17-12-08, 12:41
I've been taking 20mg - 30mg for 6 years and have continued drinking as normal with no side effects at all and I like to party!

But if it is proven to be dangerous best not.


17-12-08, 13:07
I had a glass of Bailey's at my sisters last weekend and I'm on 20mg citalopram and I was fine - no side effects whatsoever. Also occasionally have a glass of wine at night with no problems. It does say on the instructions that moderate drinking is okay although I suppose if you can it's best not to.:winks:

14-09-10, 09:57
actually i asked my doctor about drinking whilst taking this and he said that its okay, you just get drunk faster so dont drink as much.
although obviously alcohol is a depressant in itself so i guess just check what frame of mind you are in if you are about to go drinking. if you usually drink pints maybe switch to bottles and have one for everyone elses two. things like that.

Phil wirral
14-09-10, 15:28
Hi all, I would not recommend drinking while on citalopram at all, I am on citalopram and I went out On Saturday, let me tell you the last few days havnt been pleasant, the reason I am on here is to check out what others said and it confirmed what I hoped, it's not me getting worse again, it's me being stupid, I should not have drunk the amount I did, don't take the chance, at least you had the sence to ask the question before hand, I found out the hard way.

14-09-10, 20:52
I've asked the same question....I went out Saturday night and took it easy and didn't plan to drink too much but did not get drunk any more easily than normal and drunk like I would normally and I touch wood was fine. I am out again Friday so I'll take it easy again and see how I go!

HB x

15-09-10, 02:19
Why exactly is it dangerous to drink on Citalopram?

15-09-10, 17:29
I got hammered yesterday and I'm still alive.

I did get drunk quite easily, I always do but i did put away quite a bit of booze.

I felt pretty horrendous today and had to take the day off work, but to be honest it wasn't that much worse than I think I would have felt if I wasn't on the medication.

I do feel more anxious and a bit down this evening though..

16-09-10, 09:15
Ive been on Citalopram for 10 months and drink everyday (bordering alcoholic) xx

23-11-10, 10:42
Hi I have been on citalopram for 8 days now, I went out for a drink over the weekend and I was totally fine, in fact it was the best night out i've had in ages, I didn't get drunk any quicker or feel sick. This is just my experience though, everybody is different. :D

23-11-10, 13:06
Hi all, :D
I was on citalporam 2 years ago for 12 months and drank at weekends, I'd say a full bottle of wine when in the pub. I was fine, went on holiday for 2 weeks and drank then too. I didn't get drunk any easier and I didn't feel worse than I usually do in the mornings neither. My doctor told me it was fine to drink on them (20mg). I say alls well in moderation, I think any advice about not drinking would probably be aimed at someone who drinks everyday.

23-11-10, 22:46

Im 22, and at uni, i know it says you shouldnt drink, but would it actually mattwr???

23-11-10, 22:56
Hi Amy, I think some people can drink on cit and some can't - my husband certainly does! Just take it easy if you try it, just a couple to see how you get on x

24-11-10, 02:02

Im 22, and at uni, i know it says you shouldnt drink, but would it actually mattwr???

Hi Ami

I would say that Jane is correct. I know some people who cannot deal with alcohol at all while taking Cit. Thank God I'm not so unfortunate!

Certainly trying it out in moderation (think of it as a little experiment of sorts)will not kill you.

Happy drinking, or not :D.



24-11-10, 09:46
I took citalopram for 3.5 years and have been back on it for a couple of months. I've not denied myself the odd glass of wine (or two lol) when I've had a stressful day or a special occasion and have not had a problem with it :)

24-04-12, 18:51
My Dr said drinking alcohol is fine, it would not have any adverse effects on the citalopram at all. if you think you can cope well with a few beers then why not. the only thing is that alcohol affects mood and sleep ect so its best not to overdo it really. :)

26-04-12, 10:17

Im 22, and at uni, i know it says you shouldnt drink, but would it actually mattwr???

Citalopram doesn't exactly react with alcohol IIRC. The problem is that alcohol exaggerates mood, so if you feel happy you'll feel happier but vice versa if you're depressed you'll feel even more depressed. So it may work against your citalopram, so you'd be best advised to be gentle with the fruit of the grape. That said when I first went on citalopram I found it made a nice glass of red much more mellowing, one glass did the trick rather than two or three and my wine bill went down (or was I just buying better wine?).

Now if I could find out how citalopram might work on intelligence as against happiness that would be a real gain!

Take care

one of us

26-04-12, 10:21
I wouldn't drink on them but that is just me. However there are a lot who do - they take the Cit in the morning. Personally everything in moderation - the odd drink here or there would not hurt too much but not everyday drinking or binge drinking, eg, at weekends. Just the odd night out and not going mad! Think you would pay the price then!

13-08-13, 21:16
Drink. I drink every night 1-2 bottle on 40 mg citralopram n I'm good x

14-08-13, 18:34
I would caution against drinking during the cit startup phase. During startup (first two months or so), cit can greatly reduce inhibitions and cause some people to do all manner of impulsive things... compulsive buying, sex, alcohol, drugs, gambling, you name it. Various people on this forum have reported reactions of this sort. I felt several of these things for the first few weeks and it worried me greatly. The odd thing is that at a later stage of treatment, cit can actually help with impulses. So it just depends on the individual, how the mind reacts, and the phase of treatment etc.

So... please be careful at startup! Once things have stabilized at an appropriate dose, then alcohol in moderation is probably fine. But I think we should all remember that the goal is to even out the moods and try to avoid those big ups and downs. And so anything that can act against that goal is not helpful. Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, sugary drinks and foods are all things that can affect moods and energy levels and should be treated with caution by anyone with A/D issues.

14-08-13, 19:13
I used to drink a bottle of wine on a Fri and Sat night before Cit, but now just having half a bottle as I dont want to wake up with a hangover or feel worse but have been ok so far. Not saying its the right thing to do, just that is my experience and Im on day 13.