View Full Version : Sons Health worry

25-10-08, 23:38

I don't know if this is HA. Does HA cover create anxiety from family illness?
My son Has a bad cold and a cough which he uses a reliever medication when needed. He is complaining now and again about dizziness and feeling "really wierd". I assume kids know exactly what to say to get the best response from there parents and this is a day when it is working. I am really worried and have started suffering from Anx symptoms like shaking and cold all over. I cant think straight and have taken a propranol beta blocker to ease the symptoms. My son still wets his bed now and again and he is 10 yrs old. He also has been going to the toilet a lot lately for a pee and I am really worried that the dizziness and the peeing problem may be a sign of diabetes. The nurse on NHS direct says there is a lot of viruses going around at the moment that effect the middle ear and cause dizziness. He is also coughing a lot and I worry that his viral induced wheezing is coming back as the last time it effected him was when he was 7.

I am really starting to lose it as I really cant stop worrying about me and my families health. I am frightened about what the future holds for all of us.

I am taking him to the out of hours docs to check his chest.

Can anyone advise?


26-10-08, 00:25
A simple blood test will say whether its diabetes or not hun.
Don't suffer in silence, explain to your doc about your concerns.

best wishes
di xx

26-10-08, 00:25
Just been to docs with Son. Doc says he has a virus and his chest is clear.

Why oh why do I worry so much about health?
