View Full Version : Intelligence

26-10-08, 04:41
Look -- I can deal with most of this s**t. Waves of panic, feelings of unreality, dream like states, constant head pains, incessant dizziness, visual disturbances, etc. What I can't deal with, however, is the idea of losing my cognitive abilities. I need to be able to write and, more importantly, speak, in an organized, flowing, and inspiring way. But sometimes with these waves of derealization and depersonalization, I find myself stumbling over words, not forming as good of thoughts as I used to, and not allowing my voice a very commanding range of emotion and volume. This is what really scares me; this is what I cannot possibly cope with. So I was wondering if there is anything that those of you who have experienced this do and/or take (vitamin/food wise) to maintain good cognitive functioning. Thanks!

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Veronica H
26-10-08, 07:40
Afraid it is early days for me with this illness, so I am unable to offer advice.Thissymptom is a real pain though and I will watch the answers with interest.

Best wishes

26-10-08, 14:46

I'm new to this forum, but not to those feelings and sensations you describe.

Believe me, you haven't lost your intelligence; anxiety won't turn you into an idiot. Please don't worry. Anxiety makes you lose concentration, that's all. Unconsciously, all your atention is focused on those horrible symptoms we all know so very well. Don't be surprised if you also start to feel psychologically/mentaly tired. This is "normal". Or -more accurately- it's pretty common.

As for nutritional and sleeping habits... Well, they help a lot. Nevertheless, anxiety is often an obstacule to achieve both as you should. I mean: even if you want to sleep 8 hours straight, anxiety can make it difficult.

An so happens with alimentation. It's very hard to eat well with those sensations of choking and being strangled...

I must ask... Have you already seen a doctor? Prescription drugs are very useful in these cases, and I regret a lot not having appeal to them before. (I'm talking in plural, though I'm only taking one single drug).

Benzos are very helpful. (Don't know anything about SSRI's). But despite what I say, it's important for you to consult a health professional. Don't ever self medicate.

Believe me, I've been there and little by little I regained my cognitive skills... which I never really lost, but I've been through the same worries as you.

I've recovered my reading span and starting to have ideas, creative ideas, and communication with other people has improved a lot.

Take care and please keep in contact to let us know how you are doing.

26-10-08, 14:58
I've found that reducing my caffeine intake and taking a multivitamin as well as B6 and B12 has really helped me with this.
Sleep is also important.