View Full Version : low level anxiety - advice please!

07-06-05, 23:10
hey everyone,
after my gushing post yesterday about my holiday, i can feel myself plummeting again. meg mentioned something to me in an earlier post about the last 10% of the recovery period being the hardest and it's so true for me. i haven't had a panic attack for about a month now, but i have almost constant low level anxiety and i can't shift it. it's making me dread going to sleep, a problem i haven't had since my panic was at its worse, and i'm starting to feel dizzy again towards the end of the day.
there are things happening in my life right now that i know are contributing (i'm quitting my job at the end of the week, got another driving test coming up, going to greece for a cousin's wedding soon where i'll have to see my aunt who i am close to and who is losing a battle with cancer). but the thing is, there are always going to be things happening in life - will the last 10% of the recovery process go on for ever?
if anyone has any advice on how to jump that final hurdle, i'd be really grateful. thanks for reading,
henri x

07-06-05, 23:53
Hi Henri,

Well, you have spelt out why you are so much on edge with all these things going on in your life. And they have all uncertainties associated with them - how will you survive without the job - how long will my aunt survive - how will I cope with a big occassion in Greece - will I pass my driving test.

They are all of fears of uncertainty and am just wondering if the only way you conquer them is to face them, see that you survive them and then see the threat diminish as you face each challenge.

I wish I was in a position to give you tips from my experience at this stage, but henri, you are streaks ahead of me in this game!

Keep coming on here and to chat for support too.

It would be interesting to keep this thread going as you progress each challenge - most of us here don't have the 'benefit' of being where you are in the process.

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

08-06-05, 00:04

You have a lot of obstacles in front of you and you still want to jump the final hurdle. You are postiive and know it wont be easy but you are prepared to take on board more heartache and still make it. You will hun and we will help you.

You can get there and i admire your strength, especially with the wedding and seeing your aunt. If i can help you know where i am, and you take care of yourself and we are all thinking of you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

08-06-05, 00:31
I dare say once you do the immediate things you have to face you will start to feel better.

Hang in there hun, things will start to ease off soon.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

08-06-05, 10:10
Hi Henri

Obviously there are things to deal with there that would cause anxious flutterings in the bravest of chests so why should we be any different. Like the others say probably as each one gets dealt with it will ease up - meanwhile try not to think too far ahead.

I loved reading about your holiday it sounded wonderfully exotic and think you are fab for going. Do you think a little of your mood might be 'comedown' after your hols.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-06-05, 13:21
Hi Henri,:D

I do understand hun.;)

You are doing so well and I admire your POSITIVE attitude for dealing with the things coming up WELL DONE YOU! As Piglet said those things are bound to make even a non anxious person a bit afraid I am sure.

Myself personally I am just trying to accept how i feel now i know it's not 100% but I going to make do.

I to live with the low level of anxiety one quote I find which helps me is :

“Recovery Doesn't Always Mean Being Completely Free Of Anxiety: The Aim Is To Get It Down To A More Normal Level" and that is my goal!

I hope this helps you hun.

Take care,


09-06-05, 13:32
Hi Henri

Are you feeling any better today?

Think Pips has hit the nail on the head with her big orange quote and its my goal too.

Love Piglet

09-06-05, 14:18
Hi Henri,
Pips is so right.
Your at the last 10% of this. I have a little more way to go than you, but, you have so many things coming up, and other things to deal with it's no wonder you are feeling anxious.

All I can say is draw on the strength that has got you through the last 90%.....YOU CAN DO IT, have faith in yourself.

When I'm at the same place you are now I'll be coming to you for advice!!!

I hope all goes well for you and I'm sorry couldn't give you better advice.

with good wishes


09-06-05, 15:15
thanks for all your posts everyone!
i'm feeling much better today - maybe it was a case of the post holiday blues. i'm trying not to worry about the things i've got coming up and it's making me feel more calm.
pips, i've written down your orange quote in my diary, as a reminder whenever i start getting a bit worried about my low level anxiety!
zena, i am sure you will get to where i am soon, and then we can celebrate in the forum pub together!
henri xx