View Full Version : Please help I am making myself ill with worry

26-10-08, 10:18
Hi, I have posted a couple of threads recently regarding my latest anxiety. I have been suffering from very painful neck/shoulder/arm. Went to my GP 2 weeks ago and he told me I have a trapped nerve. The pain still hasn't gone, it starts from my spine, that 'bobbly' bone right at the top of your back and goes to my shoulder blade and then down the outside of my arm. I am worrying myself sick that I have a tumour on my spine. I have just had some blood tests and my blood count and inflamation levels (whatever that is) were all normal which I suppose I should feel positive about, but I don't. I have looked on the internet about spine cancer (I know that's the last thing people with HA should do) and it does say that this type of cancer is very rare and normally a secondary cancer.
I am otherwise fit and well but am now beginning to give myself other physical symptoms (nausea and loss of appetite) because I am getting so anxious, but then that makes me feel like I do have something seriously wrong with me. It is completely taking over and I can't feel positive about anything. Every morning I wake up with this horrible churning stomach and just don't know how I'm going to cope. My husband, who is normally so supportive and strong is now beginning to get a bit fed up with me constantly worrying that I have a tumour.
I know the only total reassurance I am going to get is an MRI scan but that could takes weeks to get. My GP did tell me that this injury could take between 6/8 weeks to get better. Has anyone else sufferred similar symptoms and did it take a while to settle down? I would be so grateful if you could respond as I just don't know where else to turn. Thank you.

26-10-08, 11:30
Stop worrying about it NOW!

I have suffered from 'frozen shoulders' (Adhesive capsulitis) since before my son was born and he is 26 now. Even as I type my right shoulder is killing me.

Over the years I have had physio, steroid injections and I have even been to theatre with them.

You do not have a tumour of the spine so don't even think about it.

These things do take a while to go but hopefully you won't have it as long as I have.:)

26-10-08, 11:40
Hi, I have got a similar problem but with inflamation.
Cancerous cells would be picked up in your blood test very noticeably if you had it.
Remember that anxiety will often make any minor illness lead us to think the worst.
It is what is called illogical thinking but so scarey never the less.
I can't count the times I've believed I've had one terrible or fatal illness and know how awful that is.
I personally would never look up a condition because it feeds the fear.
Is this the first time you thought there was something serious wrong with you?
Please feel assured that if you had spinal cancer you would know for certain, not just be scared that you might have it.
Peace and love