View Full Version : Thyroid the culprit?

26-10-08, 11:04
Hi, I've been reading the thyroid-related threads with interest. I've been told that my throxin level is 3.7, where (here in South Africa) the normal for this test is between 4.2 and 8.something. Could this be causing my anxiety and panic attacks? My insulin is also a bit high, being controlled with metformin. This morning, for example, I awoke feeling ok, but by about 10h00, after a solid low GI breakfast, I started feeling weird (kind of detached) and a frontal/temporal headache started.

26-10-08, 11:59
Hi, I've been reading the thyroid-related threads with interest. I've been told that my throxin level is 3.7, where (here in South Africa) the normal for this test is between 4.2 and 8.something. Could this be causing my anxiety and panic attacks? My insulin is also a bit high, being controlled with metformin. This morning, for example, I awoke feeling ok, but by about 10h00, after a solid low GI breakfast, I started feeling weird (kind of detached) and a frontal/temporal headache started.

ask the doctor to re test your thyroid by a blood test wish you better]
a thyroid can mess you up

26-10-08, 17:26
Hi Jeff

What did your doctor say about the thyroid results? Have you been prescribed Thyroxine or if it is borderline maybe he/she will re-test to make sure it's stable.

Usually underactive thyroid (low levels) are more likely to cause symptoms associated with depression and overactive (too much thyroid hormones being produced) can cause symptoms like those of anxiety, eg shakiness, racing heartbeat, palpitations etc.

I would suggest you see your doctor again to see if you need further tests or any treatment.

I was overactive but had treatment which means I'm now underactive. My anxiety levels did not increase when I went underactive but I've always been prone to depression and that's a big problem for me at the moment.

Karen x

26-10-08, 18:09
I have underactive thyroid & yeah, the symptoms can be very similiar to anxiety. Common ones for me have been, feeling offbalance, dizziness, shakiness, extreme fatigue & headaches. Not to mention the rest. I should get your gp to check your bloods again. You may need a daily dose of thyroxine to balance this out.

29-10-08, 05:21
Get a TSH and Free T4 blood test for sure diagnosis. Hyperthyroidism is more commonly a cause of an anxious state and hypothyroid is more commonly a cause of a depressive state
:) Laur