View Full Version : Bruised

26-10-08, 11:18
I don't really know where to post this to be honest but does anyone know much about bruises?

I stumbled yesterday and went into a door backwards and the door handle went smack into my...ahem...behind. The impact was about 1 inch back from my hips so I'm sure things could have been much much worse if it had caught a different spot. Not even gonna think about that.

I've got a small bluish bruise with a pinkish purpley bit in the middle appearing but Christ it hurts to hell. I've to be careful where I position my weight when I sit down. Even today, the day after, it's so so tender to touch. I thought these things tended not to be painful the day after so now I'm freaking that I've done some bad damage or something. Becomming slightly obsessed with it.

I can walk fine and there doesn't feel to be any pressure and there's no blood red markings or anything but it's so so tender.

I keep pressing it terrified I've fractured something or got a hematoma or something (I shouldn't have googled).

Anyone know much about bruises?

26-10-08, 11:47
I fell off my horse a few weeks ago, a small bruise came up but it ached for about 2 weeks.
Ibuleive rub in gel helped me
love and peace

26-10-08, 12:40
Thanks for those comments...you know how it is. You get so worried to death about something you can't see straight.

I've got some Ibulieve lurking in a cupboard somewhere so I might give that a whirl.

Maybe I should be thankful I landed how I did and not on my hip bone or coccyx. Now that would have been hell on earth.

26-10-08, 14:20
There is also a product called Arnicare which gets rid of bruises really quickly

26-10-08, 16:57
I bruise like a peach hun and so I always have in the homeopathic rememdy Arnica which I have both in tablet form and cream.

Love Piglet :flowers:

27-10-08, 02:52
I'm forever bruising myself from bumping into things. I once got a wicked bruise on my rear from standing up suddenly in the bath, caught myself on the tap - gosh that one hurt. Bright purple and black from days and days. I can vouch for the arnica, too, I once sprained my ankle and had a lot of brightly-coloured bruising to accompany it. Arnica cream did seem to make it start going away faster.

11-11-09, 15:42
Yes, don't worry about the pain still being there from the bruise. If you bruise yourself bad enough they can be quite painful for quite some time. They get pretty ugly too after a couple days. Anyway, I also agree that arnica is a good way to go. I've used the tablets with some success, but like the Arnicare cream (http://www.seacoastvitamins.com/product_info.php?products_id=2637) the best. Just apply it on the bruise several times a day and it will help with the pain, and the appearance of the bruise as well. It's also just a great product to have around because it's good for bruises, various injuries, and even just sore muscles and such. Hope it feels better soon.