View Full Version : panic attacks

26-10-08, 15:41

i have had panic attacks since late 06, the only thing i can think of that brought them on was my son dieing, since 06 they come and go, i am on citalopram 10mg but had a big attack the other day, while out shopping, i have stopped driving as i was havin them in the car. I really want to stop having them as i am worried they will start to effect my daughter (9 months old).

Normally the happen in tesco, shoping center, when i am hot or when my mum n dad are around:huh:

26-10-08, 16:55
Flos hun welcome to the site to you. :hugs:

Do have a good look around and look on the links to the lefthand side because there is so much good info on anxiety and panic and all the issues I'm sure you'll find stuff to help.

I am so sorry you lost your son - panic attacks very commonly start happening after a very upsetting trigger.

You are most certainly not alone.

Love Piglet :flowers:

26-10-08, 21:24
HEY hun im sorry to hear about your loss must be so hard...i have panic attacks too they are so awful.. feel free to pm me anytime huni...hugs and love..xxx:bighug1:

26-10-08, 23:15
So sorry that you lost your son. No wonder you are having panic attacks.
Ive only just joined this forum and i think you will find it a great help speaking to other people who understand you.
Lots of love donna