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26-10-08, 15:54

i THINK i suffered from this for awhile.

our son died in marsh 06 and i went through a stage of not talking about what happened of would give small simple details like "stopped breathing, hospital, bretahing, stopped, died" :weep: and not going any further i would refuse to think about that night but now over time i can think about it without worrying, stressing, panicing about how it will make me feel. i blocked it out again when i was pregnant as a defence mechanisum, but once our daughter was born it all began again :weep: slowly it has got better again but i wonder if it will carry on like that, coming and going


26-10-08, 21:01
Hi flos, I'm afraid I cannot help you on this but i can give you a big fat hug


Maybe you should speak with yor doctor who might be able to put you in touch with people who undersatand and can help you. I wouldnt ignore this, it is important that you get some sort of counsellin.
There are people here at NMP who, like you have lost children & i'm sure they would be more than willing to help you.

Take care xxx

27-10-08, 02:14
Have you ever thought of a support group for women who have lost children? I really am afraid for you that it will continue to come and go unless you deal with it. Having others who understand your pain can be a big step toward recovery.
I am so sorry for your loss.

27-10-08, 19:14

i am a member of seberal baby loss forums but thought i would post here aswell


27-10-08, 19:22
i am soooo sorry for your loss hun it must of been so tough..have u had councilling for it hun? i really cant even begin to imagine what it must be like hun but stay strong..heres some big huggles :) xxxxxxx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

27-10-08, 19:42
i am soooo sorry for your loss hun it must of been so tough..have u had councilling for it hun? i really cant even begin to imagine what it must be like hun but stay strong..heres some big huggles :) xxxxxxx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:
aww thanks for hugs they made me laugh :)

umm councelling i had one counceller who watched the clock the entire session and then told me of :wacko: and another lovely bearevement mw who i saw when i was pregnant with my daughter, but my main source of support has ben forums

27-10-08, 20:03
well that wasnt a very nice councillor.:ohmy: .anyway i know forums help they help alot actually but it may be worth trying to get some councilling again hun just try get a nice one this time..lol..aww glad they made u laugh heres some more.....xxxxxxx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

27-10-08, 20:04

i THINK i suffered from this for awhile.

our son died in marsh 06 and i went through a stage of not talking about what happened of would give small simple details like "stopped breathing, hospital, bretahing, stopped, died" :weep: and not going any further i would refuse to think about that night but now over time i can think about it without worrying, stressing, panicing about how it will make me feel. i blocked it out again when i was pregnant as a defence mechanisum, but once our daughter was born it all began again :weep: slowly it has got better again but i wonder if it will carry on like that, coming and going


One thing you haven't mentioned is how old your son was when he died? (bless him and you).

I think that although, so painfully difficult for you to mention (and no need for you to describe in any depth, unless you wish), it's hard to try and answer you specifically, am so sorry to say,.. I wish I could right now:hugs:.

If however, this is all you can bare, I'm truly so, so sorry. We all search for the answers as to why ? It's unbearable.

Hearing things like this, breaks my heart.

I have never lost a child myself, but have lost a loved one (he fell from a building), I also lost my mum through a tragic incident,... friends too. Only,.. losing a child must be extremely hard to bare and you're clearing going through so much pain right now.

Could you join some sort of group that has been through similar experiences? I know this can help.

Time does heal.

Wishing you well. My heart goes out to you.:flowers: x

27-10-08, 20:38

thanks for the extra hugs :)

my son was 6 days old, he died of numonia and septacimia undiagnosed untill postmortom.

i am a member of many babyloss suport groups but was looking for more ideas about ptsd

27-10-08, 20:46
Hi Flos,

I too have lost children but being male I did not feel the same way as my partner. I suppose it is the maternal/paternal differences. My counselling sessions did not work for me for a number of reasons and they didn't work for her either. One thing I did learn was that I could of helped her more. I could have kept probing her feelings even when she seemed certain to try again.

I offer my example as a warning - keep talking to your partner and ensure the discussions are full and frank. I wish I had, for both our sakes. I hope you have talked and are helpful to eachother. I decided to let her tell me if there was anything wrong and when she said nothing I left it too. I should have helped her more.

I hope you have discussed it all fully and wish you all the best. If you want to ask me more please feel free.


27-10-08, 20:52
Hi Flos,

I too have lost children but being male I did not feel the same way as my partner. I suppose it is the maternal/paternal differences. My counselling sessions did not work for me for a number of reasons and they didn't work for her either. One thing I did learn was that I could of helped her more. I could have kept probing her feelings even when she seemed certain to try again.

I offer my example as a warning - keep talking to your partner and ensure the discussions are full and frank. I wish I had, for both our sakes. I hope you have talked and are helpful to eachother. I decided to let her tell me if there was anything wrong and when she said nothing I left it too. I should have helped her more.

I hope you have discussed it all fully and wish you all the best. If you want to ask me more please feel free.



i found councellors did not work as they were text book and had not been there, me and my partner talk about what happened alot and always know when something is troubling the other.

i am very sorry for the loss of your child


27-10-08, 21:12
Hi Flos,

I am pleased that you talked. We didn't and things got worse. Eventually I lost her too. I just didn't want that to happen to anyone else.


tayside lassie
27-10-08, 21:31
im sorry about your loss i too lost my baby boy 13 years ago this thursday ..

my advice would be to keep asking your doctor to see someone if you dont like them tell your doctor ..what about your local maternity unit do they not offer support for you "you know mums in the same situation as yourself " ? i think most hospitals have groups like that ..

and flos you have maybe heard this before hundreds of times but as each year goes by the sorrow and pain becomes less and less and try and get talking with your oh tell one another how you feel ....

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-10-08, 09:53
Hi Flos,

I am pleased that you talked. We didn't and things got worse. Eventually I lost her too. I just didn't want that to happen to anyone else.

:bighug1: to you they say children can make or break you as a couple but i think having a child di is a bigger test of your relationship as well


28-10-08, 10:31
Have you been prescribed any medication for your PTSD?

I only ask, because when I was prescribed Propanalol after my breakdown, I read that it is used for PTSD a lot.


28-10-08, 10:32
I am so sorry for your loss Flos. xxxxxxxxxx

03-11-08, 21:18
Hi Flos,

I am so sorry that you have had something as traumatic as losing a child happen to you. (((BIG HUGS)))

I am glad that you have the support of your husband and the various forums that you have joined.

PTSD is a possiblity, you suffered an unexpected traumatic loss and how could your mind cope with that straight away?

There are other treatments available other than medication and counselling for some of the things that you are experiencing; CBT could possibly help with your flash backs.

Maybe you should have another word with your doctor and explain that there are other avenues that you would be interested in trying to aid your recovery.


11-11-08, 15:59
hey could you guys help me out... im doing a reserch project on if little children can handle post traumatic stress better than teens

xox nikki xox

11-11-08, 19:55
What do you need to know falloutgirl?

12-11-08, 15:25
i need to know like i was in a lot of car accidents when i was little and im not afriad of riding in cars... i was even put under the dashboard in a wreck and it took 2 hours to get me out but is it like that for every little kid... are they like less traumatized cus they dont really remember it by the time their 16 or even 20? whereas teens will remember it for a long time cus were fully developed? :huh:

12-11-08, 19:27
Hi Flos,

Sorry about your little baby boy, you must have been devastated. I expect you had a very worrying time during your pregnancy with your daughter too, you have had an emotional roller coaster of a time. Although there are several stages of the grieving process people go through them very individually and irrespective of that there are and will always be things that happen that remind us of the difficult times. I found that people often dislike talking about things like this, usually because they don't know what to say, or are afraid of saying the wrong thing. I am glad you have a support network through your partner and the forums.

I wish you all the best.


12-11-08, 20:19
Fall out girl,
why don't you start a new thread to collect data to help with your research. I am sure people will assist if you are specific about what you need.

12-11-08, 23:17
I have to agree with Kittyk;

Fall out girl there is a section in NMP Media / Research Interest (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=30) that might be more appropriate for you to ask for assistance with your research.

Kind regards
