View Full Version : Hi I am new!!!

08-06-05, 03:33
Hi I am also new.. I have been reading the forums for a while though and realized that I am not alone. and they do help.

I am 27 years old and been suffering with panic and anxiety for 5 months ever since i broke my arm.

At the beginning I had a really bad panic attack, I thought I was having a heart attack. I had my fiance' call the ambulance I thought for sure I was a gonner. Then when I got to the hospital they asked if this ever happened to me before.. Of course I said no. Then the doctor told me what happened. I had a Panic attack. I never even knew what one was. He had to explain it to me. after that it went down hill and I never felt the same since. I had severe anxiety everyday, I thought i was dying, I couldn't come off the couch for 2-3 weeks and I lost 15 pounds. Then the doctor gave me Paxil and it did not agree with me. And now I am on BuSpar and I think it is not working that great anymore. For the last 2 weeks I have been getting really light headed right out of the blue. then I start panicking. I have a hard time going to work because I dont want anyone else to see me this way. Sometimes I feel like I am going to start screaming for no reason. But i didnt do that yet.
I am not as anxious as I was at the beginning. and I am scared that is going to come back again. I really hope it dont.

But this forum is great.. I found people that i can talk to that haves the same problem as I do. and they can give me support and reassure it is just anxiety that is playing with you.. So thanks to you all!!!

Love Brandy

08-06-05, 06:17
Hi Brandy

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

08-06-05, 08:58
Hi Brandy


Dont worry about the thinking you'll start screaming - its a very common anxiety symptom is that. I always used to think I would run down the aisles of tesco supermarket screaming and waving my arms about and completely lose it - the daft thing is even if I did do that after a while you'd get it out of your system and get bored doing it. We only worry about doing it as we are worried about what people will think of us.

I'm still working on that one!

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-06-05, 12:51
Welcome aboard!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

08-06-05, 13:52
hi brandy,
it's hard going back to work, because you are convinced that people will be looking at you, thinking 'ooh, doesn't she look weird', or whatever. i know that's what i had running through my head! but really, noone will be thinking anything of the sort - they will all be too busy and miserable about their own situation. we always worry about what other people are going to say or think when half the time they are too busy thinking about themselves to pay any attention to us!
anyway, i promise you that the work thing will get better,
take care
henri x

08-06-05, 15:55
Hey Brandy,

Welcome to the forum!

Take care,

tracy x x

08-06-05, 16:15
Hi Brandy,

Welcome to the site.


08-06-05, 17:06
Hi Brandy, welcome aboard, Love Alexis,xx

08-06-05, 17:16
Hi Brandy.
Welcome to the site. Best thing you can do.
Hope we can help in some way.
I was like Piglet....but it wasn't me who flapped their arms. That was the other half trying to get my mind off the panic.
Just concentrate on yourself for the moment.

with good wishes


08-06-05, 18:05
Hello & welcome :)


**Don't believe everything you think .**

09-06-05, 11:46
Brandy, welcome to the site. Your worries are very normal for anxiety sufferers.

I wish you well and good luck in your recovery.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.