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View Full Version : Brain / head symptoms - HELP!

08-06-05, 09:38
Having suffered with general anxiety for 3 months now, I seem to have moved on to a phase of worrying about my health, specifically about having some kind of brain disease.

I read something about new variant CJD, saying that many cases of it were misdiagnosed as anxiety or depression because the early symptoms in the first 3-6 months were very much like anxiety / depression, and doctors got the diagnosis wrong. So now I am convinced that I have this...

I have been having a lot of trouble with my physical symptoms and was wondering if anyone could identify with this...

I have a constant feeling of pressure building up in my head, a feeling of prickling on the front of my brain, a feeling of something weighing down on my crown and causing soreness there (the skin actually feels sore at one point of the top of my head), and a feeling of "full ears" and popping ears, and of skin tightness around my head, especially on the sides. I sometimes pop my ears by holding my nose and breathing out which seems to relieve the pressure for a couple of seconds but it comes right back. My eyes also ache and I feel more confused generally than usual. I seem to be having a little more trouble with speaking than normal and slur my words a little.

Is there anyone who can identify with these symptoms? Can they be related to anxiety, given that they are with me 24/7 and only seem to be getting worse?

I have been dealing a little better with the anxiety itself I think and generally feel a little more relaxed than a few weeks ago, but these physical symptoms are really getting me down.

But it confuses me because my sleeping is better and I haven't had major panic for about 3 weeks, but the thoughts of there being something wrong with my brain remain - due to the distressing nature of these physical symptoms. I have never had any symptoms in the rest of my body, like heart things or anything else - they have always just been head-based.

Thanks for reading,

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

08-06-05, 09:47
Hi Gareth

When my anxiety attacks began I like you had most of the symptoms in my head, I have had all the symptoms you describe.
Even when I thought I was feeling better I still had the symptoms, they will go with time, mine did.
It's just lovely Mr Anxiety rrearing his ugly head yet again mate.
Hope this helps.

Take care

Elaine x

08-06-05, 10:01
Hi Gareth

I've had pretty well most of those symptoms too and still do get them every so often. I've often conncted them to my ears or thinking my sinuses are playing up etc.

The CJD thing seems to crop up with us anxiety folk quite often too - 6 years ago during my first bout of bad anxiety I solemnly asked my GP did I have mad cows disease - I saw the faintest flicker round his mouth before he managed to get it under control and assure me that no I did not. My friend with me has never let me forget it.

Put this fear to bed.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-06-05, 13:13
Hi Gareth

Everything you have are symptoms of anxiety. I've had them all and all at the same time too. Most of your head pain is caused by muscle tension. And the fact that your head hurts to touch shows that it's muscular. If it were something inside your head, it wouldn't be the scalp that hurt. I have tension in my head right now too and it feels sensitive to touch,

Try having a long hot bath or shower, keep the water running on the bits that hurt. Otherwise try having some massge sessions or getting yourself a herbal pillow which you can stick in the microwave or fridge ( and put on the places that hurt). These things might help a little.

Take care


08-06-05, 14:09
hi Gareth,

Most of my anxiety symptoms are in my head and sound a lot like yours. At first, I also thought that I must have something more seriously wrong with me. It's very normal for us to worry about these things. Our brains always come up with a lot of 'what ifs'. Being anxious the whole time was the first stage of my anxiety and worrying about something specific was the second stage - just like you. What you are going through is very normal. Please don't worry..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

08-06-05, 14:44
hey gareth,
i spent a long time worrying that i had some terrible, incurable disease and even now when i get panicky i start thinking there must be something wrong with me that the doctors have failed to spot.
i think this is a really common symptom of anxiety - we become so sensitive to everything going on in our body that every tiny feeling becomes magnified.
i think relaxation is the key, because muscle tension contributes to sensations like your head is about to explode, tightness in your chest and a heavy brain. have you tried doing any relaxation techniques on a regular basis?
i promise you these feelings will pass in time.

08-06-05, 15:31
Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for your replies today. I have always had these head sensations but they got so bad over past couple of days that i have found them hard to cope with.

Its interesting how the feelings do get better when you get a little reassurance from people - proving that they are the anxiety.

I intend to really properly start a relaxation + exercise programme. I'll let you know how its going!

be well,

*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

08-06-05, 17:33
Hi Gareth.
Glad the answers you were given helped.
You find when you 1st have these attacks that you concentrate on them so bad that you think you have anything under the sun thats going. Thats normal.
Keep coming on this forum...you'll be amazed with the help and support you get.
Hope you feel better soon.

with good wishes


08-06-05, 22:24
i have been suffering very similar symptoms to gareth.
i have the fullness of the ears a thick head feeling and what is most worrying severe pain in my jaw and lower back teeth and ear on the right hand side of my head. i have been to the g.p's 3 times and the dentist. i am constantly taking pain killers. its really depressing me now. last night i had palpatations-could this be due to anxiety or the fact that i havent smoked for the last 4 days? (im trying to quit cold turkey)
im due to fly on sunday and i am really worried about what affect the flight will have on my head and ears.please help its really depressing me.


13-06-05, 03:54
Hi you have the same symptoms like me..

The popping of your ears in just the tension.. But it did scare me at first too...

Its all anxiety...

I know its hard not thinking about, but your brain is more powerful than you think!!
